Chapter 33: The dessert war

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The birthday party continues...

"Ouch!" Lauren, who was on the other side of the brunette, had just elbowed her. "Why are you hitting me?" She looked at the Latina who in turn was staring at Sergio. When Juliana turned to look at Lucho's boyfriend, she noticed that the man seemed to be foaming at the mouth. "Oh, hello Sergio, I hadn't seen you." She greeted innocently but he didn't answer, instead he continued to glare at her. "What's wrong with the bitch?" She whispered to the Latina.

"He gave her a little kitchen," she whispered so softly that the brunette couldn't hear her.

"What?" She asked again.

"Sergio... gave her... a... little kitchen!" She repeated word for word.

"Love..." Juliana was addressing her girlfriend this time. "I think there's something's wrong with Lauren," she whispered.

"What she is trying to tell you is that I GIVE HER A KITCHEN!" The bitch furiously responded.

"Are you crazy, drunk or what?" The audience burst out laughing. "The girl already knows how to cook... The other day she prepared some tacos to die for, didn't she my love?" Between Sergio's demonic gaze and Valentina's murderous gaze, the athlete was about to be executed. If they were playing Mortal Kombat it would say 'Finish her!'

As if the atmosphere wasn't heated enough, Bella decided to approach Kara, who was currently showing off her mini motorcycle to all her friends, "WOW! That's so cool!" Apparently, the bike was also a magnet, just like Puppy.

Kara watched her friend's reaction and remembered 'Lesson #52: What a damsel likes, is not questioned, it is given.' The little girl smiled mischievously before getting off the bike and holding out her hand to the other girl. "Do you want to sit on it? I can help you," she offered.

"OKAY, GOOD, WE CAN CONTINUE WITH THE PARTY NOW!" Valentina managed to separate the two girls. "Coach Robbins..." she approached the coach and players, "make yourselves comfortable, I'll send someone to attend to you right away."

"Can we go to the trampoline?" Nikki asked excitedly.

"YES, Nikki you can do whatever you want!" Assured the photographer.

"DON'T TOUCH MY DESSERTS!" Lauren warned the substitute before several of the players ran off like little girls towards the trampoline.

"Valentina..." Juliana approached her girlfriend, after having watched the scene, "the kangaroo was making her move, why'd you interrupt? She almost had her, all she needed was..."

"Get to the kitchen, right now!" Valentina interrupted while pointing towards the door. "And you too!" She managed to grab her daughter, who when she saw her mother's face had tried to stealthily sneak away with her friends, but her mother was faster.

The basketball player and her daughter walked behind the blonde. The two looking at the floor and with their hands behind their backs. "We are in trouble mommy," Kara said very slowly to the brunette. "Mom's eyes are on fire!" And she was not wrong, Cyclops of the X Men would envy the power in Valentina's gaze.

"I know kangaroo, I know!" Although that fiery gaze did other things to Juliana, things her daughter did not need to know about.

Valentina paused at the door looking at the chef and waiters who were moving around the kitchen. "Could I have a moment alone, please?" She asked kindly.

"We have no witnesses," Juliana whispered to her daughter.

"You two inside!" She ordered them. Mother and daughter obeyed. "Do either of you know how many times a day Sergio calls me?" It was a rhetorical question.

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