Chapter 66. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

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One year later - Halloween at the Valdés Carvajal house

"Ready!" Valentina had just finished helping the twins with their respective costumes. "I can't believe what my eyes are seeing," she said, looking proudly at her two daughters disguised as dwarfs. They wore coloured leggings and a jacket with a different coloured belt, to contrast. They had little black shoes on their feet and a pointed hat on their heads. Of course, the best bit, was the white toy beard they had to wear.

The twins looked at each other. "We look great!" Scar celebrated. "High five, Anne!" She asked her sister and Anne reluctantly conceded.

"Do we look pretty mom?" Anne asked, doubtful of her appearance.

"Of course, darling," she assured. "Very pretty," she added.

"Are we as pretty as you, when mommy makes that silly face when she sees you?" For the little girls, Juliana's silly face when staring at Valentina was a good sign.

"No... more beautiful. You are so beautiful, your mother will make the same silly face when she sees you," she told them. For Valentina there was nothing better than her wife being captivated by her daughters.

"Mommy it's itchy!" Anne complained about the beard.

"You can take it off until we're ready to leave." Valentina said as she led them to the living room where Kara and Maca were watching Finding Nemo for the thousandth time. "We have two dwarfs ready," she announced. "Your turn Maca," she stretched out her hand to the little one. "Time to go bathe," she announced.

"I want mommy to do the bath dance for me!" Of course, Macarena was going to want to bathe with the bath dance.

"That's not fair! We didn't do the dance!" Scarlet complained.

"That's true!" Anne supported her twin.

"Maca, we don't have time for the bath dance," she denied her daughter's request.

"Then I'm not going to the bath!" The capricious, Maca, crossed her arms.

"Okay... you can do it with me." Valentina had no intention of bothering her wife after the day she had endured. The brunette had found out that management wanted to transfer Nikki to another city and had been fighting tooth and nail all afternoon with the coach and the president of the club.

"But you don't know it!" she argued.

"Maca, I've been watching you all do it for years, I know it by heart!" she defended herself.

"But you have to do the gestures and everything," the little girl warned.

"I'll do it my way." It was impossible to compete with Juliana in the bathroom dance.

"But mom..." Scarlet, the dwarf, protested again.

"Scar... I promise you that we will do it next time, okay?" Her look left no room for protest.

The twins sat next to their older sister with their arms crossed.

Kara laughed and Valentina hit her on the head. "Ouch!" Kara stroked her head. "What was that for?" she asked her mother.

"For inventing the stupid bathroom dance," she replied.

"I didn't invent it!" she defended herself. "It was mommy Juls!"

"Well, then it was for encouraging your mother to invent it! If you hadn't run away every time we went to bathe you, there wouldn't be a stupid bath dance!" Halloween stress made her say horrendous things, Valentina regretted using the word 'stupid' as soon as she saw the faces of her three daughters.

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