Chapter 70. The storm

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The next morning

Valentina had been under the cold shower for more than half an hour and she still hadn't managed to calm her body. Lately, it seemed like everyone had agreed that she and her wife could not have sex. Too many days had passed and Valentina was craving her brunette. If the blonde was honest, she knew she was partly to blame after the argument she'd had with her wife, but the rest was all the fault of others. Either one of her friends would jump into the pool, just as Juliana had cornered Valentina against the wall, or Lauren would make a comment like, "Where are the owners of this house?" when they had finally slipped away somewhere. And finally, the stupid horror stories Lauren had decided to tell the kids.

The blonde had awoken with a beautiful kiss from her beautiful wife before she went for her run, which left her wanting more and unable to go back to sleep. So, she decided a good cold shower would be more useful.

"Valentina!" Lauren entered the bathroom without permission. "Valentina! Valentina!" Something had upset her.

"Lauren! What the hell?! Do you know the concept of privacy?" The photographer poked her head out of the shower curtain.

"Valentina, they have arrived!!" The Latina was pacing from one side of the bathroom to the other. "My mother knows everything, she has a sixth sense or a third eye or a mother's hunch, I don't know what the hell it is, but she already knows!" The pacing continued.

"Can you calm down and tell me what the hell your mother knows?" Asked the blonde from the shower.

"Aren't you listening to me, dumb blonde? My mother knows that we are trying to have another baby... she said, 'Hello my girl', with that voice of, 'I know what you are up to'!"

"LOLO!" Camz entered the bathroom, undeterred by the running water. "How could you leave me alone with our mothers?" she asked in a state never seen before, it was rare for dancer to complain to her wife. "Your mother asked me how I was, Lauren... she asked me how I was... she knows something Lolo, your mother knows something!" The dancer sat on the toilet seat grabbing her head. "What are we going to do? They are going to find out and BOOM! Bye, bye vacation!" This wasn't the Camila everyone knew, she was dejected. "My dad will think you forced me to stop working, if he didn't like you before, it'll be even less now Lern... less!" Camila had collapsed.

"Do you hear her, Valentina? Do you hear her? Everything is going to hell! To hell!"

Luckily Valentina was still sane. "For the love of God, can you calm down!" Valentina asked all soapy. "Don't worry, if you calm down, we can solve it..."

"VALENTINA! VALENTINA! VALENTINA!" A familiar voice shouted. "VALENTINA! THERE YOU ARE!" Eva moved towards the entrance to the bathroom, where the other three already were.

"EVANGELINA?!" Her family was supposed to arrive much later. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Goodbye calm.

"Valentina... mom... dad... divorce!" the photographer's sister was hyperventilating.

"LAUREN! LAUREN!" The voice of Mrs. Jauregui looking for her daughter was the next voice that was heard outside the bathroom.

"Oh God, my mother!" Without warning the Latina opened the shower curtain and got into the bathtub with Valentina.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Valentina tried to cover her breasts with one arm and her intimate parts with the other.

"Shhh!" the Latina told her to shut up.

"Make room!" Camila jumped in with them.

"Is Lauren in here?" Clara entered the bathroom without permission, these people did not know the concept of privacy at all.

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