Chapter 31: Between flowers and bras

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Valentina's Apartment - The day after the photoshoot

"IT'S OPEN!" Valentina knew from the knock that her friends had arrived, and she was not planning to get up from the sofa to let them in, not in the state Juliana had left her.

"You are so lazy V!" Lauren said as she entered the room holding her fiancée's hand and seeing her friend sprawled on the couch. "It's two in the afternoon! What are you doing?... GOD, this place looks like a fucking flower shop!" The Latina was not wrong, there was not an area in the living room not filled with bouquets of flowers.

"WOW! I always wanted a room full of flowers!" Camila had probably imagined an entire house built with flowers but hey, this was the closest she'd seen.

"Are you planning to tell us why you decided to turn your living room into a greenhouse?" The space was filled with many types of flowers, roses, lilacs even the occasional daisy.

"They are from Juliana," she answered, like it explained everything, she knew there would be more questions so she waited.

"Did you fight?" Camila asked worried, "Lolo always gives me flowers after we fight, because she is always to blame, not two hours go by without her showing up at the door with a bouquet of roses." Apparently, flowers were a frequent occurrence in the future Jauregui-Cabello household.

"What? The supposed 'rebel' Lauren Jauregui gives flowers?" Valentina saw a perfect opportunity to change the subject, she really did not want to get into the subject of her flowers. "Wait until the others to find out about this Lolo!" The photographer mocked from the sofa. "You will want the earth to swallow you whole!" She laughed.

"Ha ha!" Lauren knew her friend was trying to change the subject. "Very funny Valen! You are not going to say anything because first: you would not leave this room alive! And second: you can make fun of me all you want but we are not leaving until you tell us why you and the sweetie fought!" The Latina saw how a mischievous smile was formed on her friend's face, while she remembered some of the more interesting moments. "Oooh, it's not because they fought!" She deduced. "It's for something else!... Don't tell me...?" She looked at her friend who continued to have the same idiotic smile, only this time it was accompanied by a movement of her head that confirmed Lauren's question. "AGAIN, IN A COMA?" She asked to confirm her theory.

"She left me practically unconscious!" And in case that didn't answer her friend's question, she added, "I've been laying on the couch since she took Kara to walk Puppy." And she wasn't lying.

"Oh my God, V! Your girlfriend is a sexual psychopath!" There was no filter, Lauren Jauregui just said what she thought. She could not believe there was someone out there more addicted to sex than her, still in shock from this news she needed to lay down. "Move your big butt over Carvajal!" She asked trying to lay on the couch next to her friend, "I need to rest!"

"I don't understand..." Camila said as she pushed her girlfriend against Valentina so that she could also lay on the couch. Lauren had to grab her so she wouldn't fall off. "Shouldn't you be giving Juliana the flowers in that case?" The dancer was not wrong. "After I make Lolo scream several times, she prepares me breakfast, lets me watch whatever I want on TV and even feeds Tlacoyo." Wapeesh! Again, the echo of the whip.

"Well... how can I explain... Juliana feels a bit guilty," she tried to explain, the smile reappeared on her face. "Apparently, she thinks she can't control herself; she thinks it hurts me when in reality the only thing she does is give me fantastic orgasms one after another!" Valentina had forgotten she was sharing a sofa with two of the most perverted people on the planet, after Juliana of course.

"And why do you make her think that?" Asked the lawyer.

"I don't make her; she just thinks it!" The photographer defended herself. "Well... the fact that I had to lock her in the bathroom after the fifth time helped a bit I think!" She clarified.

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