Chapter 25: The Carvajal Effect

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Valentina's Apartment - Saturday morning

Valentina opened her eyes suddenly. She hadn't been able to sleep more than two hours straight, she rolled over in her bed and looked at the damn clock that seemed to be mocking her. And the blonde knew why, she hadn't been able to get Juliana out of her head.

When she arrived home from the police station and Shane had informed her that the brunette was with her daughter, Valentina's soul returned to her body. She went to the room and watched how her girlfriend was practically clinging to her little girl. Valentina had to control herself from going to her daughter's bed, grabbing the brunette and taking her to her own room. But she stopped herself, first, because of how adorable the two looked together and second, because there was an army of six infected hippos defending them, it was practically impossible to do it.

Now she was wide awake. "Ay Valentina, you have to tell her the truth!" The blonde was trying to psyche herself up. The time she spent awake during the night was spent thinking about how to tell her girlfriend that she had been a victim of stalking. "You just stand in front of her, look her in the eye and say 'Juliana, I followed you...' Why? Surely, she will ask me that, and she'll make that pouting face that makes me want to eat her with kisses. Valentina! You have to focus!" She lightly slapped herself in the face.

"I'd rather undress her, she hasn't shown us her little squares for a long time!" Camila said nostalgically as she walked in and sat on her friend's bed.

"Camz! What are you doing here?" Asked the curious blonde. "You and Lauren know that you have your own house right?" This question was not a joke, Valentina was beginning to suspect that the couple no longer had a place to live.

"It was late last night so we stayed here," she explained casually. "Besides, Lolo said she wanted to be present when you told Juls about last night." Valentina covered her head with the pillow. Lauren knew that this conversation would not have a happy ending. "Do you also think it's a bad idea to invite Alex and her friends to our wedding?" Asked the dancer referring to the detainees they met in the cell the night before.

"What am I going to do Camz?" She ignored the question. "Juliana is not going to like that I followed her. How am I going to tell her? 'Juliana, darling, baby... I broke the promise, I lied to you because I didn't trust you.' If I tell her that I'll be single before I can finish explaining to her!"

"Valen..." she grabbed her friend's hands, "maybe you just need to try and trust her from now on," she tried to reason with her.

"You don't understand Mila, I..."

"Do you think I didn't have the same issues with Lolo?" She interrupted her friend's excuses. "When Lauren started working in that office, not a week had passed and there were already two people who wanted to have something with her."

"And what did you do?" If it were up to Valentina, she would have had surveillance cameras installed throughout the office.

"When she told me I was crazy, I was angry and left the apartment to go teach my class. When I came back and saw her sleeping on the sofa waiting for me, I knew that that she was my Lolo and no one else's," sighed the dancer. "I just knew. It's hard but you have to deal with it, for your sake, and for both of you as a couple," she finished with a smile. "We should probably go to the kitchen, those two together with Kara can't lead to anything good!"

The blonde got out of bed. "Okay! I've decided. I'm going to talk to Juliana. I'm going to tell her the truth and from now on... promise to trust her," she concluded before walking into the bathroom, but appeared again a few seconds later. "But just in case I'm going to have to undress before I tell her, so she doesn't pay attention to what I'm saying!" She announced before returning to the bathroom to shower, a long day awaited her.

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