Chapter 12: Are you crazy, drunk or what?

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Paintball Field - 5 minutes before Juliana's victory

"God, Alla, Buddha, Morpheus and whatever other God is listening to me, please don't let the sweetie win! I want one more night with Camz! Did I say want? I meant NEED one more night with Camz!" Lauren prayed at the side of the field while waiting for the game to end.

"For God's sake Lauren stop overreacting! It's only a week!" Shane said casually.

"ONE WEEK SHANE, ONE WEEK! Do you know what it's like to spend a week without sex? I Lauren Jauregui, LIVE on sex. I am the female Tiger Woods, do you understand?" At this point the Latina had already lost all kinds of sanity.

Kara, who was still attentive to the game, was the first to notice Juliana leaving the field, "IT'S JULIANA!" She ran towards the brunette and as always jumped on her.

"And she brought a flag, that means... WE WON!" Yelled Jess. The rest of her group joined in the celebration.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" It was the end of the world for the Latina. "YOU!" She pointed at Valentina, who was trying her best to avoid watching Isabel hug Juliana. "This is your fault! Who the hell do you think you are making that bet?!" She accused her friend.

"Me? Maybe next time YOU will learn to shut your mouth! If you hadn't been so loud you would not have been shot and put out of the game. Even I heard your booming voice!" Valentina defended herself.

"Look at Mariana!" The girl was crouched at the height of her boyfriend's abdomen saying goodbye to each of his abs. "If those two divorce, you are going to carry the guilt for life Valentina. FOR LIFE!"

"Lolo calm down, stop overreacting! It's not Valentina's fault. We are a team and we all lost." Camila didn't like her friends fighting.

"Yes, it is her fault. And you..." she pointed to her fiancée. "Don't come near me! For this week, you have to keep a metre away from me at all times! You are forbidden to wear those leggings that you wear when you dance, and you are forbidden to wear any type of low neckline. Do you hear me? EVERYTHING covered, I don't want to see an inch of skin!" She warned her girlfriend, folded her arms and turned her back to her. The others all rolled their eyes at Lauren's dramatics.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment..." Jess said with a mocking smile, "but we, THE WINNERS, are hungry and if I remember correctly you have to buy us dinner! So, shall we all go to the bar?"

"I'm going to stay here for a while. Mini Rambo and I are going to take some shots. If that's okay with you Valentina?" She asked the blonde.

Valentina looked at her daughter and knew she couldn't say no, "Yeah okay, but be careful!"

"Yess!" The brunette and the little girl celebrated. "See you later," the brunette left a kiss on Valentina's cheek, "Come on little Rambo."

The blonde stood enjoying the image of her daughter with Juliana. Kara was aiming for the target but she missed in favour of shooting Juliana, the brunette then fell unconscious to the ground. When Kara approached her, the athlete jumped up and began to chase her.

"Nice picture, right?" An unpleasant voice brought Valentina out of her perfect dreamy state. It was the stupid blonde. Valentina only limited herself to a smile.

"You know she will do the same to you, that she does to everyone?" Isabel spoke again, "She will conquer you, she will make you fall in love, she will take you to bed and then, she will not even remember your name!"

"And that is your business, because?" Valentina tried not to show that her words had affected her a lot.

"Listen Blondie, take my advice, okay? That is what Juliana does with women, ask anyone. She is a bitch!" With her last statement she turned and walked away leaving Valentina a mess.

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