Chapter 61. Breasts

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The Liberty Stadium - Team training

"NO, NO AND NO! THAT'S NOT THE PLAY! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY, VALDÉS?" Arizona was on her last nerve. With Juliana out of focus, the rest of the team didn't work.

"Sorry coach, you're right. I'm a mess," the brunette was deflated.

Arizona stared at her; it wasn't normal for the athlete to behave that way. She looked for Kara on the side of the court where she normally practiced with cheerleaders but instead of finding her there, she was sitting on the bench watching practice. The girl had the same downcast expression as her mother.

"AGAIN!" She yelled at the players as she walked towards Kara. She sat down next to the little girl. "Why aren't you training, mini-Valdés?" The girl never missed an opportunity to train with the cheerleaders anytime she came to Juliana's training.

"I don't feel like it today." She answered in a low voice without looking at her.

"I know there must be a reason," the coach said confidently, "and I'm sure it's the same reason your mother has been unable to concentrate on my plays," she said looking sideways at the girl. "I would like you to tell me though," she finished in a stronger tone.

"It's because of my mom." Kara thought talking to the coach could maybe help her mothers.

"Did something happen to your pregnant mom?" She asked fearfully.

"Not really. Mom wasn't feeling well and Mommy wanted to stay with her, but Mom told her she was fine and she would let her know if anything happened. We came to training, but Mommy Juls was still worried," Kara said. "Me too, because Mom didn't look good," she added.

"And why didn't you stay?" Arizona wondered how someone could force her hard-headed player to leave.

"Because of Aunt Lolo..."

"That's the crazy Latina with the desserts, right?" This was how the entire team remembered Lauren.

"Yeah. The crazy woman with the desserts stayed with Mom and practically kicked us out of the house," she had literally shoved them both out.

"I understand... I understand," Arizona answered. "Well mini-Valdés, if your mother said she will let you know if anything happens, then she will, right? Try to think positively, I'm going to try and get my star player to learn a few of my plays," she advised as she stood up, giving the girl one last contemplative look before heading off give instructions.

Meanwhile in the Juliantina house

"I want Juliana with me Lolo," confessed the blonde from the couch.

"Are you playing with me Carvajal? Because if that's the case, let me tell you that after making sure those two," she pointed to her stomach, "come out safe and sound, I'm going to kick your butt as many times as necessary to let out all the stress I'm carrying," she finished.

"I'm not playing," she crossed her arms. "I want Juliana here, with me, indulging me, pampering me, taking care of me, and paying attention only to me, no one else!" The photographer was possessive.

"Don't be so dramatic chubby!" Lauren rolled her eyes. "Also, you know that is exactly what happens already! If you are in the room, I practically have to dress up as a clown to get the frightened sweetie to pay some attention to me," she highlighted.

"She is still angry about the last time you did that Lolo!" The Latina remembered and laughed automatically.

"I just let Camz put a little bit of makeup on me," she lied to defend herself.

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