Chapter 69. The story of the lost Germans

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On the way to the country house

"It's my turn!" After Gabriela had guessed who Valentina was thinking of, Maca wanted her turn. "Right Andy, isn't it my turn?"

All the girls had decided to go with Juliana and Valentina, while in the other vehicle Lauren and Camila had the three university students. Of course, Andy nodded to her cousin's question.

"Ok Maca," accepted Juliana, "think of something," she instructed.


"Is it orange?" Scar asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"NEMO!" All the little girls shouted.

"My turn!" shouted Scar.

"NO FAIR! THAT'S CHEATING!" Maca crossed her arms in a huff.

"Was it Nemo, honey?" Valentina asked her.

"YES... yes it was... but you have to ask more questions!" she said.

"But if I already guessed, why would I keep asking?" Scar argued.

"To... to... to... because..." Maca just wanted to be the centre of attention.

"Maca..." Juliana came to her aid, "you have to change the character, you always choose Nemo," she advised her daughter. "Try again," she gave her another chance.

"But mommy, she already had a go!" Scar argued.

"Scar..." Valentina spoke, "let her try again," she said.

"Got one!" Maca had already chosen another.

"Is it blue?" asked the little fish.

"Yes," she answered.

"It's Dory!... I Win! My turn!" Scar celebrated and Maca crossed her arms again in frustration.

Valentina and Juliana looked at each other, trying to hold in their laughter. The brunette looked in the rear-view mirror to see Maca pouting but was concerned when she saw her youngest daughter leaning against Anne. "Jules... Little Wolf, are you feeling okay?" The question made Valentina, who was in the passenger seat, turn to look at her daughter, the little girl was looking at her mother with tears in her eyes.

"Julie... honey," the blonde called her. "Anne touch her forehead," she instructed.

Anne did as requested. "She's hot." Juliana stopped the car immediately.

In the Camren car

"Aunt Lolo, do we have to listen to that old music?" asked Kara.

"HEY! Have more respect for Amy! Or you can walk to the house!" she threatened, generating an eye roll from Kara.

"Do you have something more entertaining or modern?" Lena asked.

"Did you just call me old? Camz did you hear her? Sassy brat... I should have let the sweetie kill you when she caught you looking at my twins!" Lena blushed; it hadn't been easy to escape from that situation.

"Leave her alone Lolo," the dancer calmed her, "you know it's impossible not to look at your breasts," she defended the young people.

"I totally agree," Bella added. "The first time I saw them, I knew I was gay!" she confessed.

Lauren wore a proud grin. "That's right... They and I have made quite a few people rethink their sexuality!" Her ego was through the roof.

"And yet they couldn't tempt Mommy Juls," Kara commented, proud of her mother

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