Chapter 80. The heiress

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At the party

"I don't understand you V," Lauren said as they waited at the bar for their drinks.

"What do you not understand?" Valentina asked. The blonde was in a foul mood tonight.

"You came to this party tonight to punish the sweetie, and yet, you've spent the entire night watching the entrance, waiting for Juliana to arrive!"

The blonde was too obvious.

Valentina didn't dare contradict her, she simply leaned her elbows on the bar and put her head in her hands. "Why the hell won't she ask for forgiveness? Why can't she be weak like you and drop to her knees to beg me for forgiveness?" Valentina asked angrily.

"HEY!" Lauren wasn't going to accept that comment. "I didn't kneel!" Yes, she did! But the pained expression on the blonde's face suggested she wasn't in the mood for her jokes. "V, listen," she rubbed Valentina's back. "The sweetie is stubborn. When you announced you were going out without her, you provoked her jealous side and you know it!"

The blonde was well aware o­f her actions.

"I know Lolo, I know," she composed herself as she received the glass of white wine from the bartender. "But I really thought, after last night, she would give in and apologise. I miss her, I want her here with me."

They lifted their drinks and weaved their way through the crowd, trying to avoid the people dancing as they returned to Camila, who had chosen to stay on the dance floor.

"Here's your tequila, my love," Lauren passed the drink to her wife.

"Do you think she'll come?" Camila asked her friend, who was staring towards the entrance.

Valentina shrugged her shoulders. "She's probably looking for a new way to hide more of her damn pornography. She'll probably hide it somewhere weird like... like..." she took a large gulp from her glass, "like inside the weights in the gym, or some other stupid place I don't frequent often... God! I fucking hate Jessica Larsson!" Valentina vented. "I hate any woman my wife wants to sleep with other than me!" she continued. "You know what... let's toast. I toast to no longer being desired by my wife!" Valentina raised her glass as Camila and Lauren shared a concerned look.

"Shit!" Someone collided with Valentina, her white wine dropping to the floor. "Can you look where you're...?" A familiar face appeared in front of the blonde. "Doctor?"

One of Juliana's worst nightmares had appeared at the party.

"Valentina! I'm so sorry!" The man recognised her immediately. "I didn't see you, excuse me." Taking any advantage to touch her, he attempted to dry her with his hand. His eyes scanning the area searching for someone. "I don't see your wife," he said, happily.

"She isn't here," Valentina knew her wife would be furious if she saw the doctor anywhere near her.

"What? She let you come out alone? What madness! Doesn't she know the kind of woman she has by her side?" The blatant flirting began. The photographer wanted to hit the man for daring to talk about her wife.

"I need to get back to my friends." Valentina was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "See you later," she turned to leave, but a hand on her arm stopped her.

"Dance with me? Just one song?" The blonde wanted to refuse. "Please? It's only a dance, right?" The photographer looked towards the entrance but there was still no sign of her wife.

Well, if Juliana was having fun without her, then Valentina wasn't going to sit around pining for her. She smiled as she took the doctor's hand. "A dance should not be denied to anyone," she said and allowed him to guide her to the centre of the floor.

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