Chapter 49. To have or not to have, that is the question

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The next morning

Juliana didn't know exactly how long she had been watching Valentina sleep. This was the millionth journey the brunette's eyes had made over her girlfriend's body. Valentina was lying face down hugging one of the pillows, and would be completely naked if the blonde hadn't insisted she needed the bathroom during the night, but when she came back she had put on underwear in an attempt to calm the athlete. It didn't work very well because Juliana did her thing and moments later had managed to remove the top garment from her girlfriend and had entertained herself with her fiancée's breasts. So now Valentina only wore her tiny white panties. A garment Valentina had managed to negotiate to keep on.

Juliana's hand began to travel over Valentina's body. She liked, no, she loved the contrast of her brown hand with the light skin of her girlfriend. When they were together during the day it was not so noticeable, but in the privacy of their bedroom, and in other rooms as well, was when Juliana noticed the colour difference between their skin. She ran her fingers along the photographer's legs first. Valentina did not like her own legs, she had confessed this more than once, but Juliana could not understand why. They were perfect. In fact, Juliana loved watching Valentina moisturise her legs, she would silently enter the room after Valentina bathed just to watch her. Juliana would never admit it, but the blonde's legs were the perfect red carpet for her favourite part, Valentina's butt. The area the brunette's hand began to travel. Her index finger outlining the only piece of underwear the photographer wore.

Juliana knew her girlfriend was aware of the power she had when she wiggled her hips, the blonde knew exactly how to handle her. There were times when Juliana tried to fight it, but she just couldn't. Valentina only had to move her hips and the brunette would be willing to dive headfirst into a pit full of hungry piranhas. Juliana sighed and removed her hand from her favourite place and placed it on her girlfriend's back. Being an athlete, the brunette could distinguish several of the muscles on her girlfriend's back, as she went over them one by one with her fingertips, her girl still had cheerleader features which drove her crazy.

She decided to stop her journey, it was too tempting and she didn't want to wake her girlfriend... or did she? Just as she was about to get up and go for a shower, Valentina turned her face and unconsciously made a small sound. 'Change of plans!' The brunette said to herself, with the intention of stopping her fiancées dream. She placed one knee to the right of her girl's body and one to the left as she filled Valentina's spine with kisses. As she kissed along her back, she lowered herself to make sure her breasts were brushing against her girl's skin.

A movement from Valentina let the brunette know that she was achieving her mission. "Mmm... Juls..." At first, she thought it was a dream, until she heard her girlfriend's voice very close to her ear.

"Are we going for the record?" Juliana whispered, now kissing Valentina's neck while her fingers played with the sides of the blonde's underwear. The brunette wanted that last piece of clothing removed from Valentina's body.

As soon as the blonde felt her girlfriend's hands on her underwear, she reacted, she stopped the hands that were about to leave her naked and turned gently while trying to open her eyes.

Turning her chest towards the athlete was not an effective move by the photographer, as soon as Juliana located her girl's breasts, her mouth was inching forward to taste them.

"Now this is what I call a five-star breakfast," said the brunette who leaned over to begin her daily feeding.

"Baby... Juls... You only lasted three hours?!" It was only three hours ago that she had allowed her to sleep.

"It's your fault," she said as she continued her breakfast.

"GOD!... My fault?... Love... come here." The blonde put her hands on both sides of her girl's face and pulled her up so that she could look into her eyes. The intensity of Juliana's gaze told her that she would not be easy to convince. "Juls... baby... What do you think if we have breakfast?"

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