Chapter 55. The anticipated wedding night

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"Does Valentina Carvajal accept Miss Juliana Valdés as her Wife?" Asked the official.

"I do," said the blonde without hesitation and those simple words had never sounded so perfect in her ears.

"Does Juliana Valdés accept Miss Valentina Carvajal as her wife?" Was the next question.

"It is what I want the most in this world, I do," she answered with a huge smile.

"Well, by the power invested in me by the state of New York, I declare you..."

"WAIT!!!" Someone interrupted the wedding.

Everyone turned to identify the owner of the voice.

"You must be kidding!" Juliana said when she spotted Sara.

"THIS WEDDING CANNOT CONTINUE!!" Sara continued to scream.

Juliana took a deep breath, "I'll be right back," she told her shocked girlfriend.

"No honey... wait!" Valentina tried to grab her but Juliana slipped away. The blonde immediately sought the help of her bridesmaids.

Kara was much faster than the others, and with a leap worthy of a kangaroo, she clung to her mother's back. Obviously, this was not enough to stop the brunette who continued to advance, now with Kara hanging from her back, Nikki pulling one arm and Camila hanging from her waist.

Lucia and Eva stood in front of her while the rest of the guests set up a protective barrier between her and Sara.

"Juliana, darling," Lucia tried to reason with her, "let us take care of her," the demented eyes of the athlete were scary. Juliana fought with anyone who blocked her way.

"Mommy... mommy... think of something nice..." Kara tried calm her but the brunette did not pay any attention to her daughter.

"Valentina," Lauren, had decided to remain inactive due to her condition of being pregnant, but additionally because she wanted the brunette to finally give the model what she deserved. "I think it's about time, don't you?" The blonde knew what her friend was referring to.

"RELEASE HER!" The blonde ordered, like she was releasing some kind of wild animal. Although, considering the anger rolling off Juliana, an animal would have been friendlier.

"But Valentina... Look at her, she's going to kill her!" Her sister tried to reason.

"I don't care. I am fed up with Sara, let Juliana get rid of her," the women separated from the athlete and Kara slid off her mother 's back hesitantly. The human barrier was also disarmed, revealing a fearful Sara. The model was literally shaking.

"I warn you that several people know I am here and if I do not appear they have been told to call the police!" If she thought that would be enough to stop the brunette, she was wrong. Juliana was demonised.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Shouted the former Victoria's Secret model, but before she could run away the athlete caught her, threw her over her shoulder and was carrying her out of the room.

"Incredible," Valentina heard Lauren whisper.

"What about this is incredible Lauren?" The blonde was exasperated.

"It is incredible that yesterday the sweetie had almost fifty former sexual partners in your living room and none of them caused any problems, but the only one you have interrupted your wedding! Doesn't that make you feel a little guilty?" Lauren received a murderous look and chose to move away from Valentina.

"Hurry up love," whispered the photographer in a low voice.

Outside the room

"Give me one good reason... just one, so I don't kill you right now Sara!" Juliana had seated the model on a bench outside and was pacing back and forth nervously. The last thing she wanted right now was to deal with this woman.

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