Chapter 35: Meow, Meow, Meow

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In a New York boutique - Wednesday afternoon

"Can you calm down please?" Valentina was getting tired of watching her friend pace from one side of the store to the other.

"How do you want me to calm down? I've been trying for fucking hours to find the perfect place for my firm's New Year's Eve party and it seems it is too late to book anywhere. And as if that were not enough stress... this is my last dress fitting, the dress that I will be wearing on my wedding day V, MY WEDDING! OH MY GOD, I'M GETTING MARRIED!" Lauren grabbed a bridal magazine and started to fan herself.

"What happened to the place you used last year?" Valentina was referring to the country house that the Latina had gotten for the previous party.

"Apparently, the owner had a mishap with a truck," she said while trying to make a new call.

"A mishap with a truck? What happened?" The cat killer strikes again.

"The truck didn't see him when he was crossing the street or something like that," the lawyer downplayed it.

"LAUREN! Did he get hit by a truck?" The blonde could not believe the lightness with which her friend treated the subject.

"Do I look like a police officer, or a coroner or something like that? The real issue now is that I have to find somewhere else... could you focus on helping me?! You have influences!" She reminded her.

"I've already talked to everyone Laur. It's the first week of the holidays, everyone will be using their country houses. I think you should just cancel the party." She recommended.

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF?" She couldn't believe what Val was saying. "Valentina... MY PARTY is one of the most epic in all of New York! Everyone in the office looks forward to this time of year just because they know that the great Lauren Jauregui's party will change their lives!" Valentina rolled her eyes at what her friend was saying. "Even our friends beg to be on the list!" She blurted out.

"That was just one time! When you took Sam and Derek off the list last year because you heard them talking about Camila's butt!" She reminded her.

"Do not remind me! Every time I remember their drooling faces, I want to..." she paused to think and after a few seconds she took out her iPad.

"What are you doing?" Asked Valentina.

"Removing Gray and Sam from the guest list!" She said very confidently.

"LAUREN!" The blonde jumped up from the chair and snatched the device. "Stop that! Besides, it was you who insisted that Camila would be the first test!" Apparently, the incident had occurred during the 'Test of the Holy Trinity'.

"But I didn't think they would fail at the first hurdle!" But she was wrong. As soon as the boys spotted the dancer in her bikini, they were both drooling over her.

"No one ever passes the first hurdle Laur!" They both laughed at the memory. The test of the 'Holy Trinity' consisted of Valentina, Lauren, and Camila, showing themselves in 'inappropriate' situations, so to speak, in front of the boyfriend or girlfriend who was being tested. Generally, they were in a bikini or underwear, but always with very little clothing. They paraded themselves in a very sexy way and one by one they strutted around in front of their victim. If the judge, normally Mariana or Shane, noticed that the girl was harassed by ogling, the victim lost the test, but if not, she made a sign for the next distraction to enter, the next 'test' so to speak.

"Do you remember Finn?" The Latina asked her friend. The test of the 'Holy Trinity' dated back to high school. "He did not even make it until Camz took off her shorts!" Finn had been the first, the guinea pig of Lauren's invention to measure the fidelity of Valentina's boyfriend at the time.

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