Chapter 56. Between names and nicknames

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"Are my two princesses awake? Were you waiting for mom to arrive?" Juliana had just arrived from her morning jog. "I know I tell you every day but... I love you very much... I LOVE YOU BOTH! And I will always take care of you and pamper you because you deserve it. Because from the first day I had you in my hands I was completely hypnotized with you both." The brunette spoke to them with real sweetness. "NEVER, ever leave me, please," she asked them.

"Juls... what did I tell you about talking to my breasts?" Valentina woke up in their huge bed, in the beautiful villa they had rented for their honeymoon in the Caribbean, with her wife on top of her talking to her naked breasts.

"Shhhhh!" She silenced her. "Don't interrupt. I am talking to my babies. You," she cupped Valentina's right breast. "You are my Squishy," she gave her a little squeeze recalling one of the great scenes from 'Finding Nemo'. "Don't say anything to your sister but in a way, you are my favourite..."

"JULIANA! You can't have a favourite," Valentina challenged her. "How do you think Spongy feels when she hears you say that you prefer Squishy?"

The choice of names had been an eternal discussion that ended with Juliana choosing what to call Valentina's breasts, while Valentina chose a name for each little square on the brunette's stomach. Well actually, it was only three because Camila had claimed one.

"Can you let me finish please?" She asked her, making Valentina roll her eyes and make a gesture with her hand to continue. "Thank you," she cleared her throat. "Hmm... What was I saying?" She asked her wife.

"You were about to explain to Squishy why she's your favourite," she helped.

"Oh yes," she said and returned her focus to Val's right breast. "As I said dear Squishy, you are my favourite because when I kiss your other mother, you are the first to react." As she spoke, her thumbs began to play with the soft skin under her breasts, "and this naughty girl..." she squeezed her left breast harder, "she needs a little more time." Valentina's nipples responded as expected. "But..." she looked at the blonde who now had her hands under her head. It was not the first time Juliana had spent time talking to her breasts. "But... Spongy has something in her favour," this was something new, the photographer had not heard this before.

Valentina leaned up on her elbows so she could look at her wife. "And what does Spongy have in her favour?" She asked curiously. At this point, it goes without saying that Valentina has her own professional cat killing company.

"First you interrupt and now you try to enter the conversation," she huffed in mock offence, "Let me tell you Mrs. Valdés Carvajal that your manners leave much to be desired."

"It's my wife's fault," she defended herself. "Since I met her, she has done nothing but teach me bad manners," she added.

"I'm sure you already had those manners before meeting your sweet, innocent and beautiful wife," the brunette followed along.

"I accept sweet and beautiful, but innocent is a word that will never ever define you darling!" And before Juliana could argue, she added, "Besides, weren't you in the middle of a conversation?" She changed the subject quickly. "I want to hear what you have to say about Spongy!" She stated.

"You don't need to know. It's a secret between my babies and me," as she answered, she bent over to her left breast. "Do you know what I love about you, Spongy?" She asked almost in a whisper. "The little mole you have here, just below the nipple," she brushed the small spot with her thumb and immediately noticed the reaction it generated in Valentina. "And you know why I like it?" She asked again.

"Why?" The photographer managed to cross-examine just before throwing her head back in response to what Juliana was doing to her.

"Why?..." she ran her tongue over it, "because I, and only I can see it, feel it and enjoy it," she finished and attacked, pulling her stiff nipple into her mouth.

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