Chapter 30: Lost in you

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Photography Studio - Victoria's Secret Session

"Sara, how are you?" Valentina was not surprised to see her ex-girlfriend.

"Good, although not as good as you, apparently!" Valentina knew she would have to endure attacks from the model. "You really got her, you got yourself a golden ticket," she tried to provoke her ex by referring to Juliana.

"Not everything in life is about money Sara!" She stopped. "Look... I know things did not turn out the way you wanted, but I hope we can work together without any problems. You demanded things not even Adriana Lima asked for and as a good gesture I gave them to you. I just want these photos to turn out well!" The blonde raised the white flag, she couldn't let her ex ruin the shoot.

"Hey, I just wanted to say hello..." she defended herself, "after all we had a good time together, didn't we?" Sara tried to grab the photographer's hand but Valentina managed to avoid it in time. "I also wanted you to know that when she leaves you..." she approached her ear, "I will be waiting for you!" She whispered before walking away.

"Not in your dreams Sara, not in your fucking dreams!" Valentina repeated softly. "OKAY GOOD, ARE WE READY?" She asked her team. "Perfect!... Channel you are first. You know what to do." she indicated to one of the girls.

Meanwhile at the other end of the studio

"Camz, honey, where are you?" Lauren needed reinforcements to stop Juliana.

"Lolo! Has it already started? I am with Derek, we're only a block away from the studio." All of Valentina's friends had been invited to the event, some to look at women, others for fashion.

"Love, we have a problem. Juliana found out about Adriana Lima and is on her way to the studio, we need to try and stop her and..."

"Has Adriana Lima arrived? Remember you have to get her signature this time Lolo!" Camila reminded her, she still had not realised the urgency of the situation.

"I know love, I know, but we can't let Juliana interrupt the session, so we need to do the following..." the Latina had a plan, "I just spoke with Mariana, she and Shane are at the corner to try to stop her first. You and Derek need to stay at the door of the building and wait for her. If she comes, you must try to stop her, in any way you see fit, do you understand honey?" Lauren knew the dancer struggled with the instructions.

"Stop Juliana. Understood. You know I love it when you play Sergeant Lolo, maybe tonight we should use the handcuffs!" Concentration was not Mila's thing.

The lawyer could hear Derek in the background warning her fiancée, "You know there is some information that I do not need to hear?!"

"Okay love. I'm going to go find Nikki and Kara just in case we need backup. If anything happens, you call me, okay?" The perimeter seemed to be protected. "And Camila, if you have to use force, you use it, I want the target neutralised as soon as possible!" Anything to get their autographs.

"Use force. Understood. Lip and beast." Pocket translator please.

"Over and out Camz!" She corrected.

"That! I love you Lolo," she cut the call.

"Good!" Lauren relaxed. "The perimeter is already covered; I just need to secure the inside. Where is the little mouse?" She scanned the room trying to locate Kara. "If she's anything like her mother, she likes breasts and is probably in the dressing room," with this last thought she went in search of the little girl.

At the corner Shane and Mariana were guarding

"How the hell does Lauren expect us to recognise Juliana among all these people?" Shane wondered. Saturdays were not exactly quiet in New York.

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