Chapter 17: I Belong to You

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Valentina blushed at Juliana's words but never broke the visual connection. "Did they make you suffer a lot? I know how intimating they can be," asked the photographer who had been aware of the interrogation awaiting the brunette.

"You knew?" The blonde nodded, "You could have warned me that a committee was going to be waiting for me! I would rather throw myself down a well full of reality TV stars than go through that again. And by the way... your daughter has inherited your murderous gaze!" She said in a whisper to Valentina, glancing sideways at the small blonde.

"Well at least she has something of mine, lately she is mini you! Oh, and by the way, you are forbidden to continue teaching her how to conquer girls!" She finally said it.

"Forbidden? But I don't teach her, the girl has a natural gift, they fall at her feet. I'm just like Professor Xavier from the X-men, I just encourage her to develop her talent."

"If you are only encouraging her natural talent then I guess, 'Juliana says we should always help damsels in distress,' isn't part of the training, right?" Asked Valentina raising her famous eyebrow.

"Apparently she doesn't understand the, 'don't tell your mother' part yet!" The brunette defended herself frowning at her daughter who was now hiding behind her grandparents.

"And the little game of putting points to women... did Kara invent that too?" Lauren entered the conversation, Juliana would pay for giving her a score of nine.

The Latina earned a look of 'if I catch you, I'll kill you' from the athlete, "Eh..."

"Ha! I think someone just got demoted to an eight!" Mariana laughed.

"Oh, and by the way..." interrupted Valentina, "why don't I have a score?" Her curiosity would kill Tlacoyo.

"Kara honey come here..." Juliana called her daughter affectionately avoiding the question. Her little girl did not know when to keep her mouth closed.

"No, Mommy, I think I better go to sleep because it is already passed my bedtime, right mom?" Kara was not going to fall into the clutches of her mother.

"Yeah, you better run away, little coward!" Valentina said to her daughter. "And do not think you have avoided answering, one way or another, you will tell me my score!" She warned the brunette.

"One way or another? Hmmm... I like that!" Juliana hinted without realising she was still surrounded by people.

"Okay, if you don't want your father to interrogate Juliana again, you'd better leave!" Lucia hurried when she saw her husband's face at this last comment from the brunette.

"Yes, I think it's better that we go." Valentina announced to her date. "Goodbye everyone."

"See you later," Juliana said goodbye, avoiding the older man's gaze.

"Wait mommy!" Kara ran and jumped on to her new mother. "Mommy, even if it's forbidden, are you going to continue teaching me how to conquer girls?" The little girl whispered to the brunette.

"Take it for granted kangaroo. Nobody forbids us anything, right?" Juliana answered.

"Hmmm..." thought the girl, "I think mom can forbid us anything!" The little girl's logic was correct.

"Haha. You are very right kangaroo. Your mother can do whatever she wants with us!" She kissed the girl and put her down, "Be good, okay?"

"Ready to go?" Asked Valentina opening the door.

To Valentina's surprise, as soon as they left the apartment, the brunette took her hand and only released her when she opened the car door for her.

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