Chapter 57. The defeat of 'The Beast'

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On the set of "The Dreams of Jessica X"

"Juliana! Valentina!" The actress received them dressed only in her underwear and a white bathrobe. "I'm so glad you could come," she greeted them with a hug. Without a doubt, this slim blonde with fine features had her appeal.

"It's nothing," Valentina answered. "This one almost dragged me here!" They laughed as Juliana looked threateningly at her wife for the lie she had just told.

"Well, I hope I don't disappoint you with my performance," she told them. "Come and I'll introduce you to the rest of the team. She walked away and the girls began to follow her towards a group of people.

Juliana leaned in to whisper in Valentina's ear, "If I remember correctly, it was you who stole the taxi from an elderly couple to make sure we were here on time. And you were also the one who wouldn't let me buy a Diet Coke because you didn't want to waste any time. So, I do not understand how I am the one who dragged you here!" She scolded her wife.

"No one would believe me if I said it was the other way around," smiled the blonde. "Of the two of us, you are the nympho," she added, the brunette opened her mouth in shock at the accusation.

"Excuse me? A nympho?" She defended herself.

"Juliana, you brought two suitcases and one of them was full of toys and erotic lingerie!" The blonde had a good point. "I swear the airport security were staring at us," she pointed out.

"You know what...? You know what...? No more sex for you!" She sentenced avoiding her wife's gaze.

"Juliana, how long did you last, the last time you told me that?" She asked seriously.

"That doesn't count!" She rebuked. "It's not my fault that just ten minutes after the ban, you choose to wear those sexy reading glasses that drive me crazy," just imagining her with the glasses on and Juliana was ready to surrender.

"Do you want to bet that right at this moment you are imagining me with the glasses on and if it were up to you, you would already be making love to me?" Asked the photographer.

"No!" She quickly refused.

"And why not, darling?" She asked mischievously.

"Because I would lose," she answered without hesitation. There was no way she would win.

"So, what is the conclusion then?" Valentina kept reasoning with her wife.

"That I am a nympho." She was right.

"And that's how I like you, darling," she patted her on the head and gestured for her to go to Jessica, who was waiting for them.

"Hey! I'm not a dog," she said. Juliana sighed as she watched her wife walk away. "Will I ever be able to resist her?" She asked herself.

"Love? Come!" Valentina yelled at her.

Juliana quickened her pace. "I will never, ever be able to. Damn blonde with a butt and chest of the Gods," she told herself.

"Look honey," Valentina said as soon as she reached her side. "This is Paul HORNY," Juliana looked at her wife's face as she said the surname of the handsome and muscular man. "Samantha BOOBS..." Luckily the brunette had dropped Boobs as her stage name. Juliana greeted the young blonde with marked curves. "And..." The blonde looked at Jessica because she still did not know the name of the last woman, who seemed the oldest and had not taken her eyes off the athlete.

"And this is Betany Sixty-nine," the presentations ended.

"You can call me Betty," she said in Juliana's ear when she approached to greet her. Valentina's growl did not go unnoticed.

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