Chapter 54. I declare you...

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One hour before the wedding

Knock, knock. A few gentle knocks on the door interrupted the final touches being applied to Valentina's hair and make-up before the wedding. She and Juliana were already in the hotel and were only separated by a few rooms.

"Can I come in?" Her daughter's little head peeked around the door.

"Of course, darling, of course," her mother told her.

As soon as the little girl entered, she was surrounded by all the women in the room.

"WOW, LOOK AT THE LITTLE MOUSE!" Lauren was the first to arrive. "You look beautiful," the little girl was parading around in her little cerulean dress. Her hair was held back with a matching headband that had been adorned with small white flowers.

"You really are beautiful my darling," Lucia kissed her granddaughter.

"No more beautiful than you grandmother," the little girl made the woman blush. "And you all look lovely," the girl said to Shane, Mariana, Eva and Lauren. "If I had a garden, I would grow you all next to my flowers." The little girl flattered, producing a blush on every face in the room.

Lauren rolled her eyes and looked at Valentina.

"What lesson number is that honey?" She asked her daughter.

"The twenty second mom... You always have to let the damsels know how beautiful they are," the little girl recited. "But I actually came because Aunt Camz sent me to look for Aunt Lolo to help stop mo..." the little girl paused when she noticed the women's concerned faces.

"Kara... stop who?" Valentina asked her daughter, raising her famous eyebrow.

"Have I already told you how pretty you look, mom?" Topic change.

"Kara... What happened to Juliana?" She insisted.

"I can't say... they told me to... 'Go find Lauren and don't say anything to your mother'," the girl imitated Nikki very well.

"And who should you listen to honey, me or the others?" Valentina asked.

"You," she replied. "But mommy Juls says that you only get away with it because you are pretty and you know how to move your butt," she said without thinking.

"Well, the next time your mother says something like that, you tell her if she repeats it again, she will be left without any butt movement, okay?" The little girl laughed. "Now tell me what happened," she insisted.

"Msmsmmsergonsenmeway," the little girl murmured looking at her feet.

Valentina knelt in front of her, luckily, she did not have her dress on yet. "Speak clearly, darling," she asked her daughter.

"I told Mommy Juls that Sergio threatened to send me to boarding school in Europe if I continued to play the drums and Aunt Camz, Nikki and Jess had to stop her from going after the bitch... after Sergio I mean," she corrected herself.

"If they've already stopped her then why do they need me to go?" Lauren asked.

"Because she is still resisting," replied the little girl.

"Lauren..." Valentina just looked at her.

"Fine, I'm going... I'm going..." The Latina walked out the door.

"In fact..." Valentina looked at the rest of the people in the room, "could you all go help Lauren? I want to talk to Kara for a moment," her friends, mother and sister left the room laughing, each noticing how similar Kara and Juliana looked when they thought they were in trouble.

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