Chapter 64. Warm and tight

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Kids ages

Kara is 16,

Gabriela 7,

Scarlett & Anne 6,

Maca & Andrea 4.


Same afternoon, The new Valdés Carvajal house

The BBQ had ended and had now become a pool party as most of the group had moved to the pool, except Juliana, who at Scarlet's insistence, was playing basketball with her and Gabriela.

While the men passed a ball around, the women had seated themselves on the sun loungers enjoying what was left of the sun, Lauren had pulled hers beside the pool island where Valentina was sitting with Maca on her legs and Anne by her side. In the water, Kurt and Camila were trying to teach Barbara and Andrea how to swim.

"How many championships did you win?" Kara was asking her mother and Lauren about their cheerleading past while floating on the inflatable mat.

"Three in a row!" The Latina answered very proud of their accomplishment. "We were unstoppable," she assured. "The coach even took your mother's uniform and made it into a shrine."

"You were a cheerleader like Kara?" Maca asked her mother while playing with her hands.

"Yep," Valentina replied, while watching the little blonde pull at her fingers.

"Like Coach Spencer?" Asked Anne beside her.

Valentina rolled her eyes when she heard Lauren and Kara let out a sarcastic laugh at the mention of the current cheerleading coach for the New York Nicks and Liberty squad.

"No darling," Valentina corrected. "I was much better than coach Spencer," she said to the laughter of her daughter and friend. "In fact, I think I still am!" She had watched Spencer when she was a cheerleader for her wife's team, and her routines were far from perfect.

"Coach Spencer is mormonal for mommy," Maca said, squeezing her mother's face. Kara and Lauren were now in fits of laughter.

Valentina rolled her eyes. "Don't say that Maca," she softly challenged her.

"But it's true..." the little girl moved in search of her cousin, "ANDY IS IT TRUE THAT THE COACH SPENCER IS MORMONAL FOR MAMI JULS?" She yelled at little Jauregui Cabello who was trying to swim. Even so, the duckling stopped doing what she was doing to look at her cousin and nod her head. "See!" She faced her mother.

"Maca..." her mother wanted to stop the earthquake.

"She's always looking at her, and... and... and..." she wanted to say many things at the same time.

"Maca, breathe!" Kara helped her.

The littlest Carvajal took a breath. "And when she talks to her she always moves her eyes very, very fast up and down, like this..." Maca tried to flutter her eyelashes and Valentina couldn't help but laugh at her daughter's face. "ANDY! HOW DOES COACH SPENCER MOVE HER EYES WHEN TALKING TO MAMI JULS?" Lauren got up from her chair to see how her daughter tried to blink. "See mom..." she pointed to her cousin, "did you see?" The owl was insistent.

"Maca!" Anne had gotten tired of hearing her slander her other mother. "Mommy is only mormonal for Mom," she said, raising her voice just barely, then hiding behind her mother.

Valentina proudly hugged her daughter. If something characterized Anne, it was her strong convictions. Anne admired the love of her mothers and defended it to the death.

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