part 38

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me and kobe remained in silence the whole time once everyone was done though we all got in the cab since we had to wait for our cars to get here and they took us to the fair once we got there we stepped out and walked up to the stand paying for our tickets once we walked in i looked around for mattia at first i couldn't find him so me and the others just walked and talked until someone yelled my name and i turned around seeing him and his friends so we all stood still while they walked up to us

Y: hey mattia
Mattia: hey y/n so these are your friends
Y: yup here's them this is my boyfriend kobe and that's devyn, ida, ava, kenzie, bryce, vallyk, and derek then there's my brothers jojo, mikey, mike, jay, von, vaughn, cohen, david, omar, and vexton
Mattia: nice to meet you all
Vexton: you too
Mattia: well this is alvaro, kairi, alejandro, robert, and roshaun our group isn't as nearly big as yours
Y: haha yea
Kairi: so which one is your boyfriend
Kobe: me why do you care
Y: babe all he did was ask a question
David: alright let's go on some rides come on guys
Von: yea maybe that's a good idea

while they walked i went to kairi and whispered in his ear apologizing for what kobe said to him once he said it was fine i continued walking with the boys and girls talking and laughing while kobe was talking to devyn i didn't mind it i guess so i continued talking with them until we all stopped walking and mattia tapped my shoulder asking if we could do the mid air pickup video so i agreed then while the others watched i jumped up and mattia came running to me catching me and making me literally fold once he put me down i laughed so hard my stomach started hurting everyone else was laughing with me but of course kobe but once we finished he tagged me and posted the video then we all went on a bunch of rides some were scary like the drop then others were thrilling like the roller coasters once we were done i saw the ferris wheel and i was going to ask kobe to get on with me but i couldn't find him so i pulled alvaro on the ride with me and we were just going round and round talking and getting to know each other until we stopped at the top

Y: it's so beautiful up here
Alvaro: it really is but why didn't you go on here with kobe it's more of a couples ride
Y: i couldn't find him
Alvaro: is he always like that
Y: no he's usually more fun and energetic i guess he's mad that i'm hanging out with mattia it doesn't make sense we said that we were going to build this relationship on trust but it's like all that went over his head
Alvaro: maybe talk to him about it
Y: i did before we left the house and all he did was tell me not to talk to him that's why he's been ignoring me all day that's also probably why he snapped on kairi
Alvaro: oh well enjoy yourself it's your first day here don't let anyone ruin that for you
Y: you're right alvaro this place is too beautiful to be filled of bad memories on my first day but what if some thing happens and i have no choice but to let it be filled with bad memories
Alvaro: well until then have as much fun as you can then the good will outweigh the bad and no matter what this day will be more fun than bad for you
Y: for someone so young looking you sure do give good advice
Alvaro: haha i'm seventeen
Y: are you serious
Alvaro: yea
Y: oh wow you're going to age very well
Alvaro: so are you i though you were fifteen
Y: yes i'm a fifteen year old dating an eighteen year old
Alvaro: well how was i supposed to know he was eighteen when we first met him he wasn't exactly the nicest person
Y: i'm sorry about him i really am he's not usually like that i promise
Alvaro: it's for real fine

i kept talking to alvaro until the ride was over and we got off and found the others at the food court we ate and played around and i showed them my promise ring then we played some regular games and when we were done we all waited at the entrance and i noticed kobe wasn't around so i left to look around for him but once i got back to the entrance he was there i was about to approach him until alvaro pulled me aside

Alvaro: you might not want to hear this but kobe came back with devyn
Y: oh i'm sure they were just riding last minute rides me and you rode one by ourselves
Alvaro: true sorry i just wanted to tell you
Y: it's fine you were just looking out like a best friend should
Alvaro: wait i'm your best friend why not mattia
Y: ehh mattias cool and all but he would be my second best friend you're my first because you're so easier to talk to and you're so freaking kind i love you ahhh
Alvaro: haha i love you too bestie but i got to go before the boys leave me
Y: alright just get my number from mattia and text me
Alvaro: alright bye
Y: bye

a few minutes after mattia and the others left our cab came so we got in it and went to the house as soon as i got in i went into the room and took off my makeup and clothes and i changed into my pajamas i was putting my ring on the nightstand when kobe came up to me

Kobe: sorry for how i was today
Y: oh it's fine i hope you had fun today
Kobe: i did what about you
Y: today was really fun i'm just tired now

me and kobe kept talking while we got under the cover and soon fell asleep

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