part 114

844 36 33

Kobe: ugh can i kiss her yet

everyone laughed so did the marriage officiant then he shook his head and continued on then it was time for the ring exchange once the officiant blessed them we said what we were supposed to as we placed them on each other's finger then he did the closing prayer and once that was finished he looked at both of us

Officiant: for as much as y/n and kobe have consented together in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God and those present, and have pledged their faithfulness, each to the other, and have declared their love by giving and receiving Rings and by joining hands, I now, by the authority committed unto me as minister and priest, declare that y/n and kobe are husband and wife according to the ordinance of God, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder

i was now doing a little bounce up and down because i knew what was up next

Officiant: you may seal your vows with a kiss

before i could even react kobe spun me around and held my leg so it was hoisted on his side then he held my back while i had his back and the back of his head and he kissed me while we heard clapping all around us and king let the butterflies go and mike was right because next thing i knew kobe put his tongue in my mouth and we were now making out we were like that for a minute until i heard my dad say something then kobe put me back on both of my feet and we laughed while the boys and the girls yelled and clapped

Officiant: allow me to present mr and mrs morris

kobe lifted our hands and then we walked back down the aisle together with the group following behind us then we all went into the dressing room and sat down while i sat down on kobe's lap making out with him

Mike: alright well imma go to suite and get ready for the reception
Davine: same

soon the whole group was out and after a while i pulled away from kobe and laid my forehead on his

Y: my dad is gonna kill you
Kobe: yea i know
Y: well mr morris looks like you're gonna die on our wedding day
Kobe: well at least i got my mrs morris

i smiled then kobe picked me up kissing me over and over again then i got down and we walked back to our suite where we packed our bags and put them in the limo that we were gonna leave in from the reception then kobe took off his tuxedo vest and i stayed in my dress then as we headed to the reception a bunch of people told us congrats and we thanked them then once we walked into the building everyone started clapping and the first thing we walked towards was our parents who were sitting down at the table

Vanessa: look it's the groom and his beautiful bride
Kobe: no compliment for me
Vanessa: your compliment is that she decided to marry you
Kobe: wow
Mom: anyways y'all look cute together it was a beautiful ceremony and your dress is absolutely beautiful baby
Y: thank you mama
Father: yea you look really nice y/n thanks once again for letting me walk you
Y: of course it's the least i could do
Kobe: you shouldn't have
Y: stop

i whispered the last part to kobe and he said fine then we turned back to them

Father: son do you think i can talk to you for a little
Kobe: yea before the reception is over oh and don't call me son you don't deserve to

we all watched as kobe walked off and i shook my head then looked back towards our parents

Y: i'm so sorry but i'm gonna go i'll be back
Dad: take your time princess

i walked off following kobe then i pulled him to the side where no one could hear us

Y: calm down this day is about me and you don't let anyone ruin that ok
Kobe: babe i don't want him here
Y: i know but it means a lot to him to see you so please just be nice to him then after you don't ever have to talk to him if that's what you want
Kobe: i'm not being nice to him
Y: for me please
Kobe: fine
Y: thank you

i kissed kobe then i took his hand and we walked up to the others talking to them for a while until the music cut off then one of the musicians grabbed the microphone

Musician: at this time we will like y/n to sit in the chair and for everyone to circle around as we watch kobe take off her wedding garter then they will have their first dance

everyone clapped while i nervously walked to the middle of the floor sitting down in the chair then kobe kneeled down in front of me and i could feel my face turning red and a huge smile came across my face then he went under my dress and i felt him kissing my leg where the garter was then wrapped it around his tongue and i covered my mouth with my hand so i wouldn't laugh then he came from under and stood up with it while everyone cheered and i had a huge smile on my face with my cheeks extremely red then he put it in his pocket and grabbed my hand taking me to the dance floor then the music cut on and we started dancing it didn't even feel like anyone was there it felt like it was just me and kobe while we were dancing i leaned towards kobe and whispered "that's not the lingerie i want you to take off" and as i pulled away he gave me a devilish smile and i laughed a little and i wanted to stay in that moment forever but every good thing comes to an end because then the song stopped and he moved apart from me then kissed me then everyone went back on the floor while we went and sat at the table we had to ourselves


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