part 181

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(back to y/ns pov)

i pulled up to kobe's house and got out the car going inside busting the door open and yelling his name

Kobe: why are you yelling the kids are sleep
Y: how the fuck would you know you aren't even watching them dumb ass

i pushed kobe and walked upstairs picking up the kids and their bags then i went back outside and buckled them into the car closing the door then kobe came out with cherry

Kobe: you can't take them i'm having them for the week
Y: you aren't having shit i heard what the fuck you said to king and how you're treating them don't ask to take them if you're gonna try and treat them like shit
Kobe: how'd you even know
Y: because cherry called and told me idiot
Kobe: first you don't like the bitch now you calling her behind my back
Y: who the fuck are you calling a bitch
Kobe: you
Y: yea well say that shit to someone who gives a fuck and don't worry you won't have to see this bitch or her kids anymore
Kobe: you can't just take them
Y: yea i can i'll take you to court and tell them about how you're an alcoholic and pot head and how your own child begs you to fucking care about him
Kobe: take me to court y/n then you'll really be a single mom maybe you'll try and kill yourself again
Y: you know you got one more time to throw that shit in my face before i punch you i'm not scared of you kobe you got the right one bitch
Cherry: kobe leave her alone and just let them go
Kobe: shut up you slut
Y: don't you talk to her like that
Kobe: or what y/n what the fuck do you think you can do to me that i'll be so scared of
Y: you should be terrified of the things i can make happen to you pussy
Cherry: drop the shit and let her go

kobe pushed cherry and i walked up to kobe slapping him then helping cherry up i made her get in my car and she closed the door then i got in kobe's face yelling at him

Y: i don't care how fucking high or drunk you are dont you dare touch her ever again in your fucking life
Kobe: how you go from hating her to defending her
Y: i don't care how much i don't like her i'm not gonna sit back and let you push her around and i not say anything i don't care how strong you think you are but a guy who'll push a female is nothing but a pussy to me have fun rotting in hell

i pushed kobe then got in the car driving off i was so pissed that everyone around me drowned out until cherry yelled my name making me snap out of it

Y: huh
Cherry: i said thank you for what you did back there
Y: yea of course
Cherry: you didn't have to do that really
Y: yea well i wasn't going to let him treat you like that please tell me that's the first time he's done that
Cherry: yea it is usually he'll punch something around me to make me jump or just get me scared nothing ever physical
Y: why haven't you ever said anything
Cherry: i hated your guts until a few minutes ago who was i supposed to tell
Y: someone anyone we could've helped
Cherry: sorry i wasn't thinking
Y: please say your done with him
Cherry: uhh i don't know
Y: are you serious cherry you're beautiful why waste your time being stuck with kobe when you can go out and find any other guy that'll treat you right one that isn't kobe and trust me don't go for anyone in his friend group either
Cherry: i don't know if i'll be able to move on

i parked the car on the side of the road then turned looking at cherry

Y: i said the same thing i thought i would never be able to move on and after another failed relationship after kobe i found someone who makes me complete someone who acts and thinks just like me all you have to do is be willing to go through the heartbreak to find someone who'll fix your heart but you can't focus on the future if you're not ready to let go of the past it's just not how it works
Cherry: fine but where will i stay
Y: can't believe i'm saying this but you can live with me
Cherry: are you sure
Y: yea cherry it's ok at least that way i can keep kobe away from you
Cherry: this is really nice of you y/n thank you

i hugged cherry then she hugged me back after a while i moved away and just looked at her then when she started leaning in i moved away

Y: i was right you did want to kiss me weirdo
Cherry: oh fuck off i was gonna tell you your breath stinks
Y: cause i'm spitting that hot shit
Cherry: yea you aren't funny for that
Y: then why are you smiling

i laughed along with cherry then i put the car in drive and drove back to the house when we got there i got the bags and the kids then we walked to the door

Y: when we get in you can pick any room and we can go shopping tomorrow for new clothes that way you won't have to go back to his house
Cherry: alright

i opened the door then i saw cohen and david with two girls and they all looked at me

Cohen: wait am i seeing this right
David: i got to be tripping
Y: mind your business hey girls
Aya: hey i'm aya
Alessya: i'm alessya
Y: i'm y/n

after talking i went upstairs with cherry and she picked her room laying down then i put the kids back in their rooms kissing their heads then i went in mine laying on corey


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