part 111

814 34 9

once i made it back to the suite i noticed all the girls were in there and laying around watching movies so i just closed the door and sat down next to them

Kenzie: where were you
Y: well since my bridesmaids left to go get dick i went ahead and went to the spa by myself
Devyn: we were gonna go together
Y: and y'all left me so i left y'all now we're fair
Ida: well now we're gonna have to leave you again so we can go
Y: ok i'll just go to the jacuzzi or something or a room i know kobe won't be at
Ava: he won't be in here
Y: i'm not staying in here all day
Davine: well then you run a high chance of kobe seeing you
Y: fine i'll stay inside jeez but please hurry back
Kenzie: we make no promises
Y: aight bet don't show up to my wedding
Kenzie: we're kidding jeez we'll be back as soon as we can
Y: get out

i pushed the girls out while they laughed and yelled then i closed the door and went in the room scrolling through my phone then mattia called me so i answered

Y: what's up
Mattia: wanna hang
Y: not if you plan on doing what you did last time
Mattia: i won't i promise i just want to hang out with you at least once before you're officially tied down
Y: alright i guess where are we going
Mattia: breakfast on me
Y: sure i'll meet you in thirty minutes
Mattia: alright see you then also wear comfortable shoes we're gonna walk
Y: alright i will
Mattia: meet me in the lobby
Y: ok

i hung up then grabbed some clothes putting them on and i put on my crocs then i grabbed my wallet just in case we go other places and i started walking to the lobby once i got down there mattia waved me over and i walked next to him

Mattia: you ready
Y: yea so where are we going
Mattia: i don't know
Y: you don't know
Mattia: nope but they have good breakfast diners so we're gonna walk until we find one we want to eat at
Y: well i don't have anything else to do so why not

me and mattia started walking and just talking and laughing i was having fun but we talked so much that when we finished we realized we past all the diners so we just went into a mall and mattia saw a girl and he nudged my shoulder pointing at her

Y: go talk to her
Mattia: i'm scared
Y: she won't bite
Mattia: you don't know that
Y: ok if you won't go to her i'll bring her to you

i walked up to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around she looked at me and gave me an amazing smile

Y: hi my name is y/n
Cynthia: hey i'm cynthia
Y: ok well cynthia you see my friend over there
Cynthia: the tall cute one
Y: yes that one well he likes you and i was wondering if you would maybe go and talk to him you know just see if you like him back
Cynthia: of course i will
Y: thank you

me and cynthia started walking over to mattia and he was just standing there then when she walked up to him they started talking so i walked off and went to look at dresses and crap like that then once mattia walked over to me he waved his phone in my face showing me that he got her number and told me they were going on a date tomorrow

Y: you better not drink because you need to be at my wedding and sober
Mattia: i know girl
Y: you better

i talked to mattia about cynthia a little longer than we went back and found a diner to eat at once we finished eating we started walking back messing around and acting like children

Mattia: i'm gonna miss this
Y: why
Mattia: because when you're married you're gonna be with kobe all the time and i'll be with cynthia if everything goes right
Y: i'm still going to make time for my friends i'm not gonna have my head up kobe's ass to the point where i have no freedom that's just crazy
Mattia: alright so do you like cynthia
Y: well out of our thirty second conversation i say she's cool and she's really pretty just your type
Mattia: yea she seems nice but it all come down to what the boys think about her
Y: no it all comes down to if she checks everything on your list
Mattia: she does bu-
Y: then she's right for you don't put too much thought into it and don't ask the boys it's not their relationship it's yours so if the boys don't approve but you really like her then they're gonna have to understand that they aren't the ones that are gonna date her so it doesn't matter what they think
Mattia: your right who cares what they think if i like her then that's it
Y: see now you understand
Mattia: it doesn't matter if she's taken or not if i like her then i'm going to go for it no matter how much she loves her fiancé
Y: she's engaged
Mattia: huh oh no she's not sorry i was just speaking out loud my bad
Y: no it's fine

me and mattia kept talking until we made it back to the villa and i waved bye while he went to his suite and i went to mine when i twisted the knob the door was locked and i could hear the girls laughing so i continued knocking then i started beating on the door then i was about to ram into it but they swung it open and i caught myself before i fell down then i dusted my hands off and hit them all one by one then i sat down on the couch crossing me legs and watching tv

me and mattia kept talking until we made it back to the villa and i waved bye while he went to his suite and i went to mine when i twisted the knob the door was locked and i could hear the girls laughing so i continued knocking then i started beat...

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not me still feeling like shit 😐

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