part 100

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Kobe: one i'm going to kill him and two no
Y: ok the first one i understand but why no
Kobe: y/n the house is for me and you because i want to be able to have full freedom with only me and you under one roof no one else just us the house is my gift to you to show you that i'm all about us right now but if ida and jano want us to help them find a house then i'm down for that but this house is for me and you and king that's it
Y: ok i understand
Kobe: don't be mad at me
Y: i'm not mad at you i understand where you're coming from and i'm not going to argue with you it's your choice i just wanted to talk to you before i gave her a definite answer but if you say no then it's a no
Kobe: thank you
Y: of course baby

kobe dried off then he just dropped his towel and got under the cover

Y: you really aren't sleeping with anything on
Kobe: nope anyways goodnight sexy i love you
Y: i love you too

y/n turned around and gave kobe a kiss then he grabbed her face and started making out with her while that was going on downstairs everyone was sitting around

Vexton: maybe we went too hard on y/n
Omar: yea i'm just upset that she wants to move out after we moved down here literally for her
Mike: well y/ns growing up and it's time for her to make her own decisions and grow her own wings and maybe this will show y'all that y'all need to do the same thing maybe not cohen since he just turned 14 a few months ago but y'all need to let y/n live she wouldn't have stopped us from leaving and doing what we wanted so we have no right to tell her
Cohen: ok fine we'll apologize

the boys got up and walked upstairs to y/ns room but before they went in they stopped at the door


the boys looked at each other then walked back downstairs sitting down on the couch

Mikey: after a lot of thinking we think it's best if y/n and kobe move out you know they need their space and room to grow and flourish and just have freedom to do each oth- i mean and to do each and everything they wouldn't be able to do here
Jojo: yes we agreed upon that
Mike: what changed y'all mind
David: nothing did we were just walking upstairs and we heard them fuc- i mean we heard them talking about life problems you know and we heard how bad they needed their own place and we'd be just so inconsiderate to not let them leave the nest
Kenzie: y'all are acting weird but i'm sure y/n will be beyond thankful to hear that y'all are ok with it
Cohen: yup we hope she's happy and ready to move out

they looked at each other then shook their heads while the others looked at them confused then they just shrugged and turned on the tv watching movies then kobe came downstairs with shorts on and a tank top walking into the kitchen and grabbing two water bottles then he headed towards the stairs

Mike: oh let y/n know the boys decided it's ok for y'all to move and that they're happy for y'all
Kobe: i'll tell her when she wakes up
Ava: i thought y'all were having a talk
Kobe: wasn't much talking going on
Kenzie: what i'm confused the boys told us y'all were having a talk when they went upstairs
Kobe: oh haha yea some like that

kobe smiled then walked upstairs going into the room and closing and locking the door then getting back under the cover and cuddling with y/n until he fell asleep while the others continued talking to the boys

Vallyk: so if they weren't talking then what did y'all hear
David: they were talking just not normally
Derek: so arguing
Von: they were yelling just not like that
Mike: oh

the others were confused so mike looked at them and tilted his head while widening his eyes then when they realized they all said oh and laughed at the boys

Devyn: we're old enough to know what they were doing so why didn't y'all just say it y'all acting like half of us aren't doing it shit ida has a whole baby kenzie's trying to have one with derek and all of us are considering
David: she's like a sister to us it's weird to say that it's nasty shut up i'm going to sleep

everyone laughed while some of the others went to sleep and soon it was just mattia, kairi, and robert

Mattia: i think i like y/n like i genuinely want to be with her i've liked her since i've known her but it's like i need her now
Kairi: she's getting married man
Robert: yea right now isn't really a good time to confess your feelings
Mattia: i know but i've tried to not say anything and just deny my feelings but i want to be with her so bad she's perfect everything about her from her hair to the way she walks is absolutely perfect but as long as she's with kobe she's not going to even give me a second glance
Robert: well they never last so just wait until kobe fucks up again but don't make him fuck up because if she figures out you did it she isn't even going to give you one glance unless it's a death stare and she might actually kill you just wait for him to mess up
Mattia: but that could literally take years
Kairi: well then you have years to get over her

the boys walked off going to their rooms leaving mattia in his thoughts


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