part 77

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Kobe: what do you mean she left
Mike: she got her bags and left do you need me to write it down for you
Kobe: why wouldn't you tell me
Mike: why would i did you not hear the shit you said to her
Kobe: um a good reason is because she took my son
Mike: one she carried him for nine months he's more her son than yours and two of course that's all you care about you don't care about the girl you just talked down on like she meant nothing
Kobe: i didn't mean what i said
Mattia: then why did it come out of your mouth in the first place it's not hard to see that you don't deserve y/n you just aren't good enough for her
Kairi: mattia calm down
Mattia: no we all heard what he said to her and it was fucked up like damn man that's a low blow you didn't have to say that to her and then you called her a hoe like wow you have no fucking manners and no respect at that maybe i should show you how to be respectful when i have my foot shoved up your ass
Alejandro: mattia n-
Kobe: do it then bitch
Mattia: don't start something you can't finish scrawny light skin man hoe
Kobe: wanna say that to my face
Mattia: if i get any closer to your face i'm going to fucking punch you in it bitch
Kobe: why don't you try it then
Mattia: fine by me

mattia walked over to kobe but the boys step in between them pushing them to two different sides of the room kobe pushed them off of him and walked off going into the room picking up his phone and trying to call y/n but it instantly went to voicemail and y/n always made sure her phone was charged so that could only mean that she blocked kobe he threw his phone and went to tell the others and he asked to use one of their phones but she didn't answer then soon everyone was calling her watching as she didn't answer while they were in the house trying to get her to pick up mattia was now at home and he called y/n and after a few rings she picked up

Mattia: are you ok
Y: uh i think so mattia i really don't know
Mattia: where are you
Y: a hotel with king crying my eyes out
Mattia: what hotel
Y: mattia i trust you i do but i'm not telling you that i really just want to be alone ok
Mattia: yea that's fine so how is it
Y: it's fine the others have been blowing my phone up i know kobe had tried to call but i blocked him on everything i don't want to speak to him right now or anytime soon
Mattia: i almost fought him
Y: why
Mattia: what he said to you pissed me off and i wanted to break his neck
Y: well let's be thankful you didn't do that
Mattia: how long are you staying there
Y: no less than two days i really just need to clear my head right now i don't think i'm stable enough to even be on my own right now but i need to i need the space from everyone
Mattia: hey you aren't alone ok i've been through the same thing with my ex but i overcame it and i left her for my own mental health and it was the best decision i could've made so don't worry i'm here for you ok
Y: thank you mattia
Mattia: no problem they don't call me big boy mattia for nothing
Y: shut up i want to be sad right now
Mattia: period queen as you should cry those tears baby girl
Y: i really hate you
Mattia: all these hoes hate me cause they can't be me

i bust out laughing with a few tears still coming down then i stopped and wiped my face i continued talking to mattia a little longer until i got tired so i hung up and picked up my phone seeing more messages and calls from the others i shook my head and put my phone on do not disturb and got under the cover laying king on my chest don't get me wrong i wasn't mad at all of them but i knew kobe was around and i didn't even want to see his face and that comes to my second thing why would i answer mattias call if i didn't know if he was at the house or not well one he only sleeps at our house when he wants to but when i'm not there he usually leaves and with mattias temper i knew it wasn't going to be long before he went home after snapping on someone anyways after i got out of my thoughts i rubbed kings back until he fell asleep so it was just me in my thoughts looking around i picked my phone back up and saw a facetime call from ida coming in i rolled my eyes and picked up

Y: what ida
Ida: my poor baby you look terrible
Y: i hope you know i hate you
Ida: ahh stop the lies you love me
Y: what do you want ida
Ida: so rude and hostile
Y: i'm not trying to i'm just still upset a little
Ida: i completely understand babes and it's ok i just called because everyone's asleep now and i knew if i called when they weren't awake you'd be more likely to answer and you know i don't fuck with kobe like that anyways
Y: yea ida i know you don't
Ida: then why didn't you answer my first one thousand calls
Y: because i knew he was around ida
Ida: oh well are you ok and where's king
Y: i'm fine and kings laying on me
Ida: oh alright well go to sleep and stay safe i love you
Y: i love you too ida

i hung up then laid my phone on the counter next to me and watched movies until i forced myself to go to sleep


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