part 58

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when i woke up kobe was gone but i didn't think anything of it i just slowly got up and picked up king who was awake and was kicking his little feet around i fed him then i rocked him back and forth while he just looked at me with his little fist in his mouth then out of nowhere he started crying so i lifted him up a little so that we were face to face

Y: hey don't cry it's ok baby i'm right here i promise most people are going to leave but i'm going to be right here until my very last breath you made me so happy these last few days i love you so much you're a cute little baby and i'm going to treat you like you're my only love i promise to never let anyone hurt you ok you're going to be ok for ever and always now stop crying little cutie

king stopped crying a little then i kissed him over and over again until he held my face and laughed causing me to smile so i started blowing raspberries at him and when he did it back i felt my eyes water and i smiled so hard admiring his adorable face

Mike: he has your smile he's truly blessed
Y: when did you get here
Mike: when i saw you about to cry
Y: he's just so pure it's like he has no worries and from what he knows his life is perfect because it just started he has nothing to worry about even when he's older because he'll have me
Vexton: he'll have all of us
Mikey: he's going to have thirteen great uncles
Kobe: and one great dad

kobe walked in with a big bouquet and pink and white roses with a card attached to them he gave me a kiss then laid the flowers down on the counter next to me

Ida: i might not like kobe that much but i have to admit those flowers are really pretty
Kobe: i didn't do anything
Y: shut up guys anyways the flowers are beautiful can i read my card
Kobe: uhh in your head yea not out loud
David: lover boy doesn't want us to hear how much of a simp he is for y/n
Jay: anyways i wanna hold king
Y: come get his big self
Omar: how much does he weight
Y: seven pounds
Ava: so he's healthy
Y: yea he is

i handed king to jay and watched him and the boys play with king and i was watching and smiling with the card in my hand about to read it until my parents walked in and behind them came the boys parents and then monroe and des

Y: why are they here
Mom: they wanted to come say congratulations
Y: mom i don't want to speak to them
Von: come on we know they only came because kobe's here
Monroe: hey kobe
Y: bi-
Kobe: y/n it's ok i'll talk to her real quick
Y: what no i'm not letting you be alone with her
Kobe: trust me y/n this one time that's all i ask
Y: fine kobe i trust you
Kobe: thank you i'll be back

kobe kissed me then walked out with monroe no one really knew what was going on because they were playing with king but i was distracted so i put the card down and just looked at my parents

Y: you really had to bring them today of all days
Dad: they wanted to come y/n
Y: but you knew what happened
Mom: they wanted to apologize
Y: yea and we see how that's going i'm starting to wonder who's side y'all are really on
Dad: we're on your side y/n
Y: really because it doesn't seem like it
Mom: baby girl
Y: no i'm fine it's whatever

i ignored my parents while they talked and i just continued watching the boys play until kobe came back in and sat down next to me

Kobe: i talked to her
Y: with your mouth or with your dick
Kobe: what why are you saying that
Y: i'm sorry i'm just mad i didn't want it
Kobe: it's fine i guess i just wish you would trust me more
Y: i'm working on it i'm sorry

i put my hand on my forehead massaging my temple and exhaling

Kobe: hey don't stress yourself you just gave birth
Y: yea i know i'm still in pain
Kobe: read my card it might make you feel better
Y: alright

i picked the card up off of the table and started reading it the more i read the more i realized that damn this boy really is a simp for me with each sentence was part of him pouring his heart out by the time i finished reading the card i had tears coming down my face so i wiped them and looked up seeing the others looking at me

Vaughn: why are you crying
Y: oh nothing
Jay: ok then you weirdo

they went back to playing with king and i hugged kobe then pulled away kissing him multiple times until i could feel him smiling and i pulled away

Y: that's actually really sweet baby
Kobe: i knew you'd like it
Y: you're so sweet
Kobe: do you want to know what i said to monroe
Y: kobe you don't have to it's fine i promise
Kobe: no i'll tell you because i want you to be able to trust me ok
Y: alright but remember i said you don't have to
Kobe: well i told her that even though she was my first love that i only hung around her because of my reputation which i was dumb enough to even try to keep i should've never cared about what other people thought about me but when i was new to school i wanted people to accept me but no one would until i started dating her and i was too blind to see that she was holding me back from my blessings but mainly the blessing that was right in front me which was you


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