part 61

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after a while we walked back inside and i got king from the boys and i walked upstairs with kobe following up behind me the whole time once we made it to the room we sat down and kobe grabbed king and laid him down in his carriage

Y: what was that for
Kobe: i need to talk to you
Y: um ok
Kobe: i'm locking the door first
Y: you're scaring me is everything ok
Kobe: everything's fine just one second

kobe got up locking the door then he pulled me on his lap and kissed me over and over again then he started kissing my neck but i pushed his head back

Y: what did you want to tell me
Kobe: i'm leaving
Y: what why
Kobe: let me rephrase that i'm leaving to go on tour with the boys
Y: for how long
Kobe: two months
Y: two months are you kidding me
Kobe: i'll be back y/n it's just a tour for our supporters to meet us
Y: and when do y'all leave
Kobe: three days from now
Y: how long have you known about this
Kobe: three weeks
Y: you've known that long and you're just now telling me
Kobe: i planned on it but you were already worrying about the baby and you were so excited about everything i didn't want you to worry
Y: i wouldn't have worried but it would've been nice if i knew you were leaving for two freaking months
Kobe: i'll be back and i can call and text you every day i promise
Y: what about king
Kobe: i'll miss him like crazy but i'll see you guys in two months it's not like i'm not coming back
Y: i'm going to be so alone
Kobe: babe you'll have the girls
Y: but i don't want you to go
Kobe: babe
Y: don't goooooooooo
Kobe: y/n
Y: don't leave me
Kobe: i'm coming back hush
Y: i don't care if you leave anymore move

i pushed kobe then got off of him and plopped down on the bed trying to force myself to sleep

Kobe: babe i'm sorry but i'm still going this is my job after all and it's my passion and i would never stop you from living your dreams
Y: and i'm not going to stop you from living yours so go
Kobe: three days you have me for three days so let's make it count
Y: fine
Kobe: so what does today have in store
Y: we're freshly out of adventure but we have a girl who wants cuddles and kisses

kobe smiled then climbed on the bed kissing me over and over until he moved and gently laid on me hugging my waist and i played with his hair while he watched what was on netflix soon we saw king was sleep so kobe got up and put his little blanket on him then he laid back down hugging my waist again and pulled the cover over us

Y: two months fuck i'm gonna be bored and sad i'm gonna be bosad
Kobe: did you really just make that a word
Y: yes i'm going to be so bosad
Kobe: babe one stop it sounds weird and two you won't be bosad it's not like i'm going to die
Y: one you used the word and two don't mention you dying dumbass
Kobe: sorry but for real i'll be back
Y: yea but what if you meet a girl prettier than me
Kobe: one that "girl" doesn't exist no one is prettier than my baby and two i'm not going to leave you remember outside a few hours ago i said that one day i would want to spend my life with you and i mean that so believe it and bring back my bad bitty
Y: i hate you
Kobe: correction you love me my little clingy baby
Y: i'm not clingy
Kobe: yes you are but it's fine i'm clingy for you
Y: whatever loser

they laughed then they went back to watching the movie in comfortable silence they stayed like that until y/n heard the boys yelling downstairs so she got up while kobe complained and told her to come lay back down but she just laughed and continued walking downstairs

Y: guys shut up
Mike: sorry
Y: actually sit now all of you we need to talk

they didn't say anything they just sat down and i stood in front of them with my arms crossed and i told the girls to stand next to me

Y: y'all tell them or i will
Mike: tell them what
Davine: yea tell us what
Y: the boys are leaving for two months and didn't tell anybody
Ida: really jano you're leaving a day after i told you that i'm pregnant
Ava: oh
Kenzie: my
Y: God
Girls: you're what
Ida: yes surprise i was gonna tell you guys over dinner but i guess now is a good as time as any
Y: aww me and your baby can be friends
Ava: no fair vallyk baby
Vallyk: baby don't get me wrong i love you but no
Ava: this is so unfair
Vallyk: life isn't fair baby
Kenzie: anyways back on topic two months really
Derek: we'll be back it's just a little get together for creators and there supporters just in tour form
Davine: so y'all were going to just leave and not tell anyone
Mike: we would've the day before
Y: that's so helpful the day before gives us so much time to prepare to be alone for two fucking months
Kenzie: and have our men all in other bitches faces
Ava: one video if i see one video of y'all all up on any bitch i will find where you are and i'll cut your dicks off
Davine: yea that
Y: and why are y'all going
David: just for the tag along
Y: of course
Omar: actually y/n we have something to tell you that the boys didn't want to mention
Derek: dude not now shut up
Vexton: come on guys she deserves to know
Y: deserve to know what
Mike: guys not now
Cohen: monroe is going on the tour with us and she got the manager of the tour to put her and kobe in the same hotel room


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