part 10

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before anything they went to the store getting a bunch of snacks and drink and just random ass board games after that they stopped at a fast food place and got food for them and mike but once they got to the house they walked inside going straight to y/ns room and they all sat down

Y: so why y'all came down here
Vexton: we knew you wouldn't be able to make my birthday so we decided to celebrate it down here
Y: aww y'all love me
Vaughn: don't lie on us like that
Jay: right we did not say that shit
Y: wow get out my house
Vaughn: we're kidding bitch
Y: fuck off

while they were playing and talking there was a knock on y/ns door and mike came in and sat down so she thought that was it until kobe, vallyk, derek, and bryce came right behind him

Y: why are they here
Vallyk: dumb ass for the project
Y: why do we need them for the project
Derek: bitch because we gone be in the movie
Vaughn: chill out with all that calling her out her name and shit
Mikey: for real only we can do that lil light skin bitch boy
Derek: whatever
Y: i love my friends
Mikey: damn i stuck up for you and i got friend zoned fuck you bitch

y/n lifted her hand about to hit mikey until he started yelling he was just playin but she hit him anyways while laughing

Y: chile anyways make this quick my boys are here and i'm tryna spend time with them
Kobe: we gone see it on the hub later
Y: one why do you even wa- you know what never mind but anyways no you won't these boys are like family to me
Jojo: family that used to like her but after that we all became friends
Cohen: yea that
David: yup
Y: david and cohen babes if i even thought about dating y'all i would catch a case
Bryce: how old are they
David: three hundred
Y: david is 15 with his ugly ass and cohen is 13 he's my son
Derek: wait like for real
Y: no you dumbass now come on the faster we get this over with the better

they went into another room then vallyk decided to make it a rom com and since y/n was the only girl of course she was the main character then being the dick he is he made kobe the love interest so even though y/n didn't want to they started making the movie then in the middle they told her to kiss kobe and she said no but they kept pestering her about it so she gave him a peck but he grabbed her face making her stay there once she pulled away she slapped his upside the head

Y: fuck tard
Kobe: don't hit me you know you liked it
Y: no i hated every second actually
Kobe: body language said some else
Y: yea my body language said do that again and i'll kick you in the balls
Vallyk: whatever y/n come the fuck on me and derek have been playing our parts perfectly so has kobe so i don't know and don't care what you need to figure out but get your shit together and fucking kiss him like you love him shit fake it if you have to
Y: i'm not faking shit with a person i can't even stand to look at for more than ten minutes
Vallyk: you keep fucking up and bryce hasn't even been introduced yet get your shit together
Y: i don't like kobe even as a friend so no fuck this project
Vallyk: alright well i'm leaving but hold on kobe and y/n stand right there and close your eyes for thirty seconds

y/n rolled her eyes and put her hand over her face along with kobe once the thirty seconds were over they heard the door close and lock as y/n banged on it yelling at them to let her out

Vallyk: no you and kobe are going to stay here until y'all are friends
Y: this is a fucking game room what could we possibly do in here but actually ignore each other
Vallyk: the longer y'all don't try and be friends the longer you stay in here
Y: we have fucking school tomorrow
Vallyk: well better be fast
Kobe: if monroe figures out about this then my reputation is over
Vallyk: come on bro you're known as the biggest fuck boy in school no one would be surprised
Kobe: fuck off
Vallyk: anyways time is ticking

they stood with their ear to the door hearing 3 pair of footsteps leaving so y/n rolled her eyes going to look for her phone once she couldn't find it she looked everywhere then plopped down figuring they probably took it but while she sat on the ground mad and irritated kobe turned on the tv putting on a song then holding the remote like a microphone going up to y/n

Kobe: you're a good girl i know you want it
Y: someone please help me
Kobe: you wanna hug me what rhymes with hug me
Y: i'll kill myself
Kobe: you're a good girl i know you want it you're a good girl can't let it past me
Y: shut up
Kobe: these blurred lines

kobe sung the whole song and multiple after that until a song y/n really liked came on so she snatched the remote from kobe and he sat down smiling watching her "perform"

Y: climb on board we'll go slow and high tempo light and dark hold me hard in the mellow
Kobe: if you wanna suck a lil dick just say dat
Y: i'm seeing the pain seeing the pleasure nobody but you body but me body but us bodies together
Kobe: lil horny freaky fuck

while y/n sung kobe commented after damn near every lyric until she was finished sat down laughing

Kobe: what you say oh yea so we'll piss of the neighbors well shit we have all day so why not
Y: it's a song weirdo
Kobe: mhm
Y: you're so weird
Kobe: you love it
Y: no not sure if i do mr morris
Kobe: why the hell do you call me that
Y: it's what the teacher called you when i first ever heard your name
Kobe: call me kobe
Y: sorry mr morris i don't want to do that

kobe and y/n kept talking until y/n started to feel tired so she grabbed one of the blankets in the closet then she laid on a bean bag going to sleep on it while leaving kobe awake by himself


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