part 112

806 34 20

the last few days past by in a breeze and mattias date with cynthia went great they're talking now and he's bringing her to the wedding as his date and everything has been great but i'm scared shitless right now and nothing can calm me down like what if kobe doesn't show up and leaves me at the alter by myself of what if he doesn't like how i look in my dress i was just stressing out so bad and i couldn't calm down it was like i was about to have a panic attack then ida came in the room with her robe on her hair and makeup done and sat on the bed looking at me

Ida: stop stress crying you don't need bags right before the wedding girl
Y: i'm sorry i'm just so stressed and nervous dear God i'm so nervous right now
Ida: hey we get it today means a lot to you and no ones expecting you to be one hundred percent ready and confident but when you're walking down the aisle i'm gonna need you to act like you're the most confident bitch that has ever gotten married it's scary we know it's like you and your crush being in the room together by yourselves for the first time it's incredibly nerve wrecking and you're just praying everything goes right and that's you right now but instead you're about to marry someone and i'm so proud of you babes and lord knows i'm happy for you more than you could ever know you're the first one out of all of us to get married and that deserves all the praise in itself but now you have to be our leading example on how it's done so if you're a nervous wreck then we're gonna be the same way because we're gonna think that's how it's done but if you're a confident bad bitch that's gonna strut what she's got no matter what happens then we're gonna do the same exact thing you best believe that
Y: i hate that you know how to make me feel better so fast but i'm just a little nervous i'll be fine i'm not stressing anymore thanks to you i guess i'm just nervous that something isn't going to go right and i want it to go perfect so bad
Ida: hey if something goes wrong then you bounce back from that shit but keep your cool no matter what you hear me
Y: yea i do
Ida: alright now let me finish up i love you girly
Y: i love you too cutie

ida smiled then kissed my forehead and walked out while i sat there looking in the mirror straightening my posture and looking as confident as i could then devyn walked in and she had her hair done with half of her makeup finished but she looked perfect

Y: ahh you look so pretty
Devyn: thank you i'm hoping alejandro thinks the same
Y: if he sees you like that then he'll have no choice you look amazing babes
Devyn: hey y/n can we talk for a second
Y: sure what's up
Devyn: well its your big day and i don't want this day to have any grudges and i know you've forgiven me and you're even letting me be one of your bridesmaids but i wanted to officially apologize and let you know i'm so sorry for the things i did in the past i was dumb and i will never do it again and i'm so happy for you and kobe thank you so much for giving me multiple chances i'm glad i get to call you my friend
Y: devyn of course i'm gonna forgive you there's never a reason to hold a grudge and i'm so glad you found someone that makes you happy trust me they only come once in a lifetime and i better see you pop up in a wedding dress next
Devyn: hahaha i'll stick to the bridesmaids dress for now
Y: hahaha

after a while devyn got up and walked out and i waited for thirty more minutes until my hair dresser came and started doing my hair in the style i showed her i just sat there on my phone scrolling through instagram and crap like that until i got a facetime call from mike so i pointed the camera towards the ceiling and answered

Mike: girl show your face
Y: is kobe around you
Mike: no now show your face

after debating i showed my face and a huge smile appeared across mikes face

Mike: best friend you look fine as fuck
Y: thank you bestie i'm a lil nervous though
Mike: don't be girl you look good i'm happy for you or whatever
Y: or whatever yea ok loser
Mike: i'm kidding but make sure y'all keep that kissing pg thirteen all of our parents will be there and we don't want them thinking we out here kissing like you and kobe
Y: you must really think you're funny like i won't hang up on you
Mike: girl i'm serious i don't need a talk after the wedding especially not mama chong you know how those go
Y: whew she knew how to make a speech
Mike: shit she still does
Y: but um sir you might want to tell that to mr morris
Mike: that light skin mother fucker ain't gone listen to none of that
Y: i'll do my best but you might want to get ready for that speech
Mike: you right
Y: ahaha anyways i'll see you soon bestie
Mike: alright you better pop off
Y: of course don't expect anything less
Mike: bet i love you
Y: i love you too

i hung up on mike then all the girls came in the room and watched as my i started getting my makeup done then once that was all finished i stood on the podium so she could put the dress on while the girls stood in front of me staring and their eyes started watering causing mine to but i blinked them away

Y: if any of you mess up your makeup i'm gonna kill you

they all started laughing then the lady zipped my dress up and i stood in front of the mirror looking at it with all the girls behind me looking also

Kenzie: i'm gonna cry
Ida: no stop
Devyn: ahh you look so beautiful
Mom: doesn't she
Y: hey mama
Mom: hey i'm proud of you baby

my mom opened her arms and i walked to her giving her a hug then my dad bent down and put my heels on for me then my vail and i gave him a hug and wiped his tears while smiling

Dad: my baby girl is growing up right before me and i can't stop it

my eyes started watering a little but he put his hand under my eye stopping the tear from coming down then he kissed my forehead and walked out with my mom while i turned back to the girls who were smiling at me then i grabbed my wedding garter and put it on then i pulled my dress down and i looked back in the mirror

Y: i'm ready

Y: i'm ready

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