part 160

765 32 33

while tony was sleep i was on my phone and watching leilani who soon also fell asleep so it was only me awake i got bored so i looked up from my phone and i turned my head seeing ashley giving me a smug look

Y: keep looking at me like that go ahead i bet when we get off this plane i'll smack the brain cells out your mother fucking head
Ashley: i'm not like these other weak bitches you probably can't even beat me
Y: even if i can't your ass ain't bullet proof bitch
Ashley: are you threatening me
Y: depends on how you see
Ashley: ok well i see it as a threat
Y: so what are you gonna do about it
Ashley: what's your problem
Y: i didn't know we had a problem but what you gone do to solve it

ida heard since she was behind me and she knew where i got the last line from so she stood up a little playfully hitting me then we both laughed

Ida: you ugly as fuck for that
Y: come on it was funny though
Ida: it was though
Y: girl who you seated by
Ida: me jano the kids and mr light skin bitch face
Y: are you serious damn i feel bad for you
Ida: i know right i'm about to jump out this plane
Y: i wouldn't blame you
Kobe: y'all know i can hear you right
Y: we know

me and ida started laughing then after a while we stopped talking and i fell asleep leaned against the window i woke up to someone tapping on me so i looked over and tony was standing up with the kids and our bags while people were walking off the plane so i got up and we walked off the plane then i looked around realizing we made it to Bali Indonesia we got our bags whenever they finally came then we called five taxi's and once they arrived we put our bags in the trunk then we got inside as the music played on the radio it didn't take more than thirty minutes until we made it to the hotel grabbing our things and going to our rooms when we made it we laid the bags against the wall then tony and king laid down on the bed talking while y/n picked leilani up and since there was actually a second bed she sat on that one

Y: so since it's your birthday who's bed do you want to sleep in
King: i wanna sleep in bed with tony
Y: alright well then i got a bed with leilani

tony looked at me and threw his arms up then he laid down on his back kicking his legs like an angry infant

Tony: but i was supposed to share a bed with you
King: why don't you want to share one with me
Tony: i do but i also want to with your mom but she lied to me
Y: i sleep with you everyday you can live without me for two freaking days cry baby
Tony: you see how your mom does me
Y: oh shut up

we laughed then we made a group chat with everyone in it to say where we're going and when and they decided they wanted to go to the Ubud swing so we got dressed then i picked up leilani and we walked out of our room with king jumping from joy then we got our taxi and when we got to the place we walked with the others joining them

Vexton: y'all ready
Y: i'm nervous as hell
Kenzie: i heard the view is pretty
Derek: it sure is
Kairi: aye no simp shit allowed on this vacation
Jano: no cussing either theirs kids here
Y: and two of them can understand what you're saying
Ailani: will i be able to get on the swing
Ida: oh no baby you're too small
Alvaro: yea you'll fall and die
Roshaun: don't tell her that you idiot
Alvaro: but it's true
Roshaun: doesn't mean you say it
Y: alright how about we just have some fun
Tony: i'm with y/n
King: and i'm with tony

tony laughed and ruffled kings hair then we walked all the way to the swing and everyone was acting like big babies not wanting to go so i handed leilani to tony and i gave kenzie my phone to take pictures then i stepped on the swing and the guy pushed it after a while i got a little scared so i sat down and it wasn't bad at all i actually felt free i felt like it was just me and i never wanted to leave it felt like i was on it forever until the guy stopped and i got off grabbing leilani again

Tony: how was it
Y: peaceful very peaceful
Ailani: your dress looked so pretty flowing in the wind
King: mhm daddy kept looking at you
Y: cause he's a perv
King: what's a perv
Y: what your dad is
Kobe: what i'm not a perv
King: daddy's a perv

everyone bust out laughing then i told king not to call him that no more and he said ok but i could tell kobe was still a little salty but i didn't care it was hilarious after that kenzie handed maya to derek and she went then cohen went then ida then kobe then ashley then mattia and so on until everyone had gone then they decided to go to cafe wayan and bakery they pulled tables together and put chairs at it so they would have enough room for everyone to sit down then they picked up menus looking at it trying to see what they wanted once they decided we waited for an hour until our food came at the same time then we counted to three and sung happy birthday to king once it was finished we all clapped and i grabbed leilanis diaper bag pulling his gift out of it and handing it to him then he unwrapped it in front of everyone and it was an ipad

Ida: girl that boy don't need that
Y: he's always watching movies so he deserves it
Tony: and he's smart as hell
Y: exactly if anyone deserves it then it's king
King: thank you mama
Y: your welcome but it's from me and tony
King: thank you too tony you guys are the best

when king said that i hugged him and so did tony then everyone looked up when we saw kobe walking away from the table and outside so i told them to give me a second then i went outside also

Y: can you come back inside for your son
Kobe: why does it matter he has tony
Y: ok he said tony's the best why is it such a big deal
Kobe: because that's my son and he hasn't said anything to me this whole time besides i'm a perv
Y: what do you expect you're rarely ever around but tony's been around him since i've met him

a trip to indonesia from LA is a day and two hours long that's why at first it says kings birthday was the next day then when they get to the hotel it's his birthday just a fyi

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