part 113

767 38 19

after a while y/n went to the place the wedding was at with the girls and she went into the dressing room while they went and stood on the platform since the wedding was outside king was holding a cage of butterflies that he's gonna let out when they kiss and he was just staring at them and making noises while the girls lined up in their order which was ida closet to where y/n was gonna be then kenzie, davine, devyn, and ava at the end then y/ns mom was in the front since she was the maid of honor and her dad was seated next to her while kobe was standing on the platform with jano closest to him then derek, mike, alejandro, and vallyk at the end kobe was standing there messing with his tie and just tapping his foot then jano put his hand on his shoulder and leaned over to him whispering something in his ear and he calmed down and stood there then the wedding officiant opened the wedding vows and held it in his hands while kiya stood next to him because she was the ring barrier everyone was just waiting for y/n to come out and she was in the hall pacing back and forth waiting for the music to start before it did kobe's dad came back there and held her hand while standing at the exit door that led to the start of the aisle

Y: you're mr morris
Father: yea i am and it would mean the world to me if you let me walk you down this aisle
Y: is kobe ok with that
Father: that's what we're gonna find out
Y: ok i'm down
Father: thank you so much and welcome to the family y/n
Y: thank you it means a lot

soon the music started and the doors opened and they started walking until they made it to the beginning of the aisle and everyone stood up looking at y/n and a huge smile appeared on her face then her and kobe's eyes met and their eyes started watering at the same time once kobe broke eye contact he looked at his dad and a tear fell down his face then he looked back at y/n and smiled and at her then she began walking and waving at her family and the boys parents then once she made it to the podium she was face to face with kobe and he grabbed a side of her face gently wiping her tear then she wiped his and they put their hands to their sides just looking deep into each other's eyes then the officiant started speaking and after a while he said

Officiant: please join hands

that's when kobe and y/n held each other's hands and they both laughed a little causing some of the people to laugh too then the officiant continued speaking then he announced

Officiant: alright y/n and kobe have prepared their own vows that they would like to say to each other
Y: you go first

when i said that everyone laughed including kobe then when it died back down he looked back at me and straightened his face

Kobe: whew i was hoping i didn't have to go first but um where do i start well y/n ever since i saw you i knew i wanted to be with you forever and let's not talk about it because we both know the first time we saw each other didn't go very well since i kinda told you to scrub my shoe next time you stepped on it but i knew i wanted you but for some reason i was so bad at showing it and i messed up constantly even when i tried my hardest it was just like i kept doubting myself but as time went by we ended up moving and that also didn't go well but time went on and you ended up getting pregnant and it was one of the best blessings i've honestly ever had in my whole life the day at the hospital when you gave birth to our son i fell for you so hard and it was like i met you for the first time all over again and i wanted to be with you for the rest of my life i know i've messed up but i want to promise you the world and to make you smile each and everyday because i never thought i could love someone so freaking much you've been by my side through highs and lows even when i wasn't on yours you've never left mine and i'm so thankful that God put you in my life so i can love and just be with you every single day i'm alive i always dreamed about finding the love of my life who would never hurt me and i never thought i would find her so early on in my life i never want to lose you and i know that means i have to carry my side of the bargain but if it means i can stay with you for the rest of my life then i'm willing to give you my all until my very last breath
Y: whew i'm fighting back these tears really hard right now someone help me out

everyone laughed and so did i and that's when a tear fell down my face but kobe moved one of us hands and dapped it off for me then he held my hand again

Officiant: alright y/n will you say your vows
Y: of course ok well kobe um life was crazy before and after i met you and let's just say it got crazier when i met you even when i was standing behind you that day embarrassed i thought you were the hottest guy i've ever seen in my life and i was right time went by and i was heartbroken sometimes and it wasn't the best but we always fixed it and we still fix any problem we have a person on the outside would've thought i was crazy for staying but i can look back on my life and honestly say i don't regret anything and if i could i would do it all again if it means i would get to relive this moment right here as much as i wanted i never believed in love but i found it when you asked me to be your girlfriend and i knew i was in love when you asked me to marry you even the times you would stick up for me i would just look at you and know that i wanted to be with you forever and i'm so glad in a few minutes i'll finally be able to call you my husband this is crazy i honestly never thought this day would come i would always read about it or watch movies about it but now that i'm living it then it all feels so unreal but i promise to love you with everything in me and i don't ever want there to be a day where we drift apart of course we'll have our disagreements and what not but i know that we'll solve anything that comes our way and i'm more than excited to see what the future holds but as long as you're in my future then everything else will fall perfectly in place


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