part 78

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it's been two days since y/n has been home and the group has called her non stop day in and day out but she only kept in contact with mattia and ida and due to the amount of times they called her y/n knew that they didn't tell the others she talked to them but they called her so much that her mom even started calling so she had to respond to her and she promised her she wouldn't tell them that she called but today she planned on going back because she missed being home she got up grabbing the clothes that was scattered on the floor and putting them in the bags then she grabbed kings things and put them back into his baby bag along with his shoes and clothes then she picked him up and went to the hotel lobby handing the lady at the desk the key

Lady: did you enjoy your stay
Y: yea i did thanks it was very much needed
Lady: no problem we hope to see you again
Y: haha the way my life is right now you might

the lady gave me a sympathetic look but soon she laughed it off and i gave her a two hundred dollar tip and she just looked at me like i was crazy but i waved bye and i could hear her crying which made me happy not because she was crying but because obviously that money is going to help her a lot i continued walking to my car and when i made it i unlocked my doors and buckled king in then i closed the door and went to the drivers side getting in and buckling up i sat in the parking lot thinking if i should go back and soon i came to the conclusion that i need to

Y: well king here goes nothing

i pulled out the parking lot and started driving home once i made it i got out and went to the back unbuckling king then i closed and locked my doors and walked up to the house i stood at the door thinking about walking off but instead i stuck my key in and opened the door stepping inside when i walked inside i saw everyone sitting in the living room but i kept walking inside and i sat next to mattia handing him king and while he played with him i walked upstairs putting me and kings bags down then i got into the shower just standing there while the water hit my skin and just calming down when i got out i got an incoming all from vanessa so i picked up my phone raising it to my ear

Y: um yes ma'am
Vanessa: i just wanted to call and check up on how you and kobe are doing
Y: i think it's best if i tell you in person
Vanessa: alright well come by today and bring king so he can stay with me for a few days
Y: alright i'll swing by in a few minutes

i had the towel still wrapped around me and i walked into my room cracking open my bedroom door and calling mattias name when he came upstairs i asked him to bathe king then pack his bag for me and once he agreed i got dressed in just a hoodie and some shorts i had on panties under my shorts but i didn't feel like wearing a bra so i just had my hoodie on with my slides i waited on the bed until mattia came out with king and he was completely dressed then he handed him to me while he packed his bag i fed him then patted his back and i stopped once he burped and when he did mattia turned around surprised

Mattia: got damn he burp like a grown man
Y: oh my God leave my baby alone meany
Mattia: baby oh no ma'am i'm sorry to tell you this but that's a grown mother fucking man
Y: you're such a nerd wow give me my baby's bag hoe

i snatched the bag from mattia while he laughed and i flicked him off while smiling and walked downstairs and out the door driving to vanessas house once i made it i got out of the car grabbing king and his bag then knocking on the door when she opened it she gave me a hug and allowed me in and as soon as i got in kiya ran up to me hugging me then she grabbed king and his bag and ran off while i sat down on the couch and vanessa sat in front of me

Vanessa: so what's wrong baby
Y: um well me and kobe aren't together
Vanessa: wait but y'all just got engaged like two weeks ago
Y: yea i know but three days ago some words were said that um i couldn't look at him the same so i  gave him the ring back and today i'm going to tell him that we aren't together but i'm pretty sure he already knows
Vanessa: but y'all are so cute together
Y: don't get me wrong vanessa i would've loved to stay with kobe but if you heard what he said to me then you would understand why i'm doing what i am i literally stayed in a hotel for two days after he said that to me because i felt so bad
Vanessa: well sum it up for me
Y: well basically he called me a selfish hoe because i went to sleep and didn't listen to his problems then he said that i'm his fiancé and wasn't there for him but another girl was so i told him to marry her then and i gave him the ring back
Vanessa: i'm so sorry babes just know you'll always be my daughter
Y: thank you mama but i should get going
Vanessa: stay safe and know you're welcomed here anytime
Y: thank you bye now
Vanessa: bye bye

i walked out then got in my car driving back home when i made it i walked inside and sat back down on the couch talking to the others like nothing ever happened


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