part 69

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the girls stood there crying while i walked up to kobe and melissa and pulled them apart then i slapped kobe

Y: what the fuck are you kidding me right now all of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves
Davine: i did nothing but love you mike and you go behind my back and do this shit
Kenzie: so all the i love yous were just lies and you fucking with my head
Y: kobe i trusted you i'm so done
Kobe: wait no y/n let me explain it's just you deserve better
Y: yea i'm starting to see that

i was about to walk out until kobe started getting mad and arguing with me so i was arguing back soon we were yelling in each other's faces until mike told us to stop and he pulled out a camera that was hidden behind a fake plant

Mike: it's just a prank
Y: i don't care it wasn't fucking funny
Derek: just admit we got yall
Kenzie: she's right it wasn't funny it was fucked up
Mike: we didn't actually kiss them
Davine: it still wasn't funny

me and kobe were just staring at each other it was like the longer we looked at each other the angrier we got

Kobe: so you really think you deserve better
Y: in that moment yea i did
Kobe: so is that how you feel everyday
Y: no and i never said i did
Kobe: well you know angry words are normal thoughts
Y: i don't think it so why are you saying that
Kobe: i said you deserve better and you agreed with me
Y: because i thought you cheated on me kobe duh
Kobe: so that was your first words to me when you thought i cheated
Y: yea it is because if you would've cheated again i wouldn't have hesitated to leave you
Kobe: so that's how you feel
Y: yea kobe because i'm not going to stay with you looking like a fucking fool if you actually cheated on me
Kobe: you can't love me that much if it would've been that easy to leave me
Y: that doesn't even make sense i love you way more than i tell you but i wouldn't stay if you cheated you make no sense
Kobe: whatever y/n
Y: yea whatever you can talk to me whenever you learn one the prank was fucking stupid none of us found it funny two don't do no prank with some bitches that we can't kick out because then they'll be homeless and three when you learn to stop trying to make it seem like i'm the bad guy for saying i would leave you if it wasn't a prank

i pushed kobe away from me and i walked out going downstairs and the girls came with me and we plopped down on the couch

Ida: what's wrong
Kenzie: the boys pulled a dumbass prank that none of us found funny
Cohen: what kind
Y: like they were kissing those girls
Omar: oof what happened
Y: i slapped kobe then he said i deserved better and i said i'm starting to think i do because i thought he cheated then he got mad at me for saying that and so basically i'm not talking to him until he learns that i don't have to stay with him
David: well y/n most guys don't want to hear their girlfriends saying they deserve better
Mattia: true even if it wasn't in the heat of the moment i would still feel like shit
Omar: same that shit would hit hard
Jay: i'd be sad as fuck
Y: oh my God i get it i'll go apologize
Vaughn: make it sincere
Y: i will y'all already made me feel like shit about it so of course it'll be sincere

i got up kissing kings head then i walked upstairs into the room and kobe was on the side of the bed with his face in his hands and when i called his name he looked up at me with red eyes causing my eyes to start watering and i felt a tear fall down my face as i sat down next to him putting my hand on his back but he slapped it off causing me to start fully crying

Y: kobe i'm sorry i didn't mean what i said i was just mad and i thought you were cheating on me again and i flipped but i promise i trust you and you've proved to me that i can and i'm sorry i said i deserve better i always tell you that i love you and you're who i want and i still mean that and i always will i love you more than you'll ever know i wouldn't have purposely hurt your feelings please say something

kobe didn't respond he just got up walking out and i started breaking down on the floor crying and trying to catch my breath at the same time i felt terrible and i just wanted him to hug me and tell me he forgave me but instead he walked off from me he didn't say a word to me he just walked off i was hurt i just sat on the floor still crying and just begging he would come back and talk to me as the hours passed he still didn't come upstairs soon i took some tylenol for my headache and went downstairs grabbing king from ida and i just looked at him while he did grabby hands so i lowered my head and he put his hands on both sides of my face and i felt my eyes watering again

Mike: are you ok

when mike said that i started crying again and i tried to stop because i didn't want to seem weak in front of the girls they brought to the house and then kobe was also over there talking to them but i couldn't stop no matter how much i tried


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