part 180

685 37 104

(kobe's pov)

i got up from laying with cherry all day and decided i wanted the kids for the week so i got in my car and drove to y/ns house when i got there i saw two cars in her driveway and neither of them was hers so i just shrugged and walked to the door knocking i waited two minutes then when no one answered i knocked again a little louder and soon the door opened and i saw y/n standing there with her hair in a really messy bun with an oversized tee shirt that went to her knees

Y: what
Kobe: i want the kids for the week
Y: they're upstairs

she moved out the way and i just looked at her for a while then i walked off gong to king's room packing his bag then gently waking him up then he walked with me while we went to leilanis rooms doing the same thing when i came downstairs y/n was down there talking to the guy from the party

Corey: hey nice to meet you
Kobe: yea some like that
Corey: damn ok then
Kobe: anyways what were y'all doing
Corey: fucking

corey just looked at me and i balled up my fist then walked out putting the kids in the car slamming the doors then i got in the front seat slamming the door and driving off going back to the house when i made it i unbuckled the kids and king ran in the house with leilani then i poured a shot and downed it

King: mama said drinking is bad when we're around
Kobe: well mama ain't here now is she
King: is there anywhere i can play with leilani
Kobe: go play in your room
King: i don't have any toys in my room
Kobe: king fuck off go do something else than bother me
King: i'm sorry

king walked off picking up leilani and going upstairs with her watching a movie and talking to her he had tears in his eyes but he wiped them away and played with leilani making her laugh then leilani started crying so he took her downstairs walking up to cherry

King: can you make a bottle for my sister
Cherry: yea sure come on

king and cherry walked to the kitchen as cherry made a bottle for leilani then she picked up leilani feeding her

King: i'm hungry
Cherry: what do you want to eat
King: mama usually cooks but i'll eat something else
Cherry: want some noodles
King: yes please

cherry walked into the kitchen making kings food then once it was done she cooled it off and sat it at the table and he sat in front of it

King: thank you so much
Cherry: of course alright well leilani is done eating so can you watch her really quickly while i get some diapers
King: i will i promise
Cherry: thank you

cherry walked off and leilani sat next to king making noises then cherry came back and took her upstairs changing her and when she came back downstairs king was finished eating so she put leilani on the couch and cleaned king's bowl then he went and sat on the couch also then once cherry finished so did she

Cherry: what y'all wanna watch
King: peabody and sherman
Cherry: alright then that's what we shall watch 
King: thank you
Cherry: you know you don't always have to say that
King: mama says you always say thank you when someone does something nice for you
Cherry: your mom is a very wise woman
King: mhm where's my dad
Cherry: i don't know bud
King: he never hangs out with us anymore
Cherry: i'm sorry i can talk to him for you
King: would you really do that for me
Cherry: of course i would

as they watched the movie king and leilani went to sleep so cherry picked them up taking them to their rooms and tucking them in then she walked around the house looking for kobe until she went in his room going to his balcony finally finding him

Cherry: your son was asking about you
Kobe: ok
Cherry: yea he was wondering where his dad was
Kobe: i don't care
Cherry: you should he's your son for goodness sake what are you gonna do if something happened to him
Kobe: whatever i do in that moment
Cherry: no wonder y/n left you're a sorry excuse for a man and a sorry one for a father
Kobe: don't speak about her when i'm around

kobe got in cherrys face and they were less than an inch apart from each other

Cherry: what does it hurt to continue thinking about the one that got away the one that left you because you fucking suck at everything you do damn i knew you sucked at being a boyfriend and a husband but who would've thought you sucked at being a dad too

kobe balled up his fist then lifted it up punching the chair next to him making cherry flinch

Cherry: you constantly go and get them but you never spend anytime with them king's at the age where that shit really speaks volumes to him and he's gonna know he had an alcoholic father with a smoking problem you're an alcoholic pot head kobe and he's going to see that sooner or later you have no idea how excited he got when i told him i would talk to him so you'd spend time with him do you not know how heartbreaking that is or do you not care
Kobe: i don't care

kobe walked off and cherry had a few tears coming down her face then even though she didn't like her she pulled out her phone calling y/n and once she picked up she told her everything that kobe said to king and her then y/n said ok and hung up the phone getting dressed in regular clothes then getting in her car and driving to kobe's house pissed off


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