part 41

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i woke up in my pajamas and under my covers with a pounding headache i barely remembered what happened last night i remember kobe cheating on me or maybe he didn't shit i can't remember but everything after that was a complete blur i guess i can always ask the boys what happened anyways i dragged myself out of bed and into the shower i didn't have any energy to stand up so i just sat on the ground with the water hitting me from my head to my feet i looked at my knuckles that were red and bruised and i was extremely confused then i looked at my hands for my promise ring and that was also gone i don't think i've ever been this confused in my life but i shook it off as maybe my drunk ass fell or something after i was in the shower for a while i got out drying off then getting dressed for the day i planned on staying in all day though so i just put on some joggers and a tank top crop top with my slippers then i walked downstairs grabbing some water and a bowl of strawberries then i walked to the medicine cabinet and got some tylenol while i swallowed the tylenol and drunk water after mike came up to me and just stood there looking at me

Y: um hello are you good
Mike: so are you ready to talk about last night
Y: nothing happened last night what do you mean

without another word mike pulled me into the living room and sat me on the couch and i looked around seeing the boys giving me a concerning look

Y: i don't know if this is a joke but if so it's not funny
Omar: do you really not remember what you did last night
Y: no i don't so can someone please tell me instead of looking at me like i'm a psychopath
Kairi: y/n well you kind of tri-

before kairi could finish a door opened and kobe and devyn walked out for some reason devyn had a bandage on her nose with bruises all over her face and kobe had a few bruises on his face as well but devyn looked like she got jumped i was about to ask them if they were ok until devyn grabbed kobe's face and kissed him as soon as she did that every memory from last night flooded over me and i sprung up off the couch tackling her and punching her again

Mattia: well if she didn't remember last night she definitely does now
Kairi: here we go again

while i was punching devyn i felt someone pick me up and when they did i kicked her in the face and i kept doing it until they pulled me further away from her where i was out of reach

Kobe: again y/n really
Y: kobe you have some fucking nerves you cheated on me yesterday you dumb bitch and today you're kissing her again are you kidding me right now i swear if they weren't holding me back i would slap the living shit out of you
Kobe: alright attacking me i get that i deserve it but why attack devyn
Y: she knew she fucking knew and she didn't do it not once not twice but now three fucking times you really waited until i came to LA to pull that snake ass shit i could've stayed home if i knew these were your true intentions it's so fucked up dude i trusted you bruh how would you feel if i went and fucked mattia
Mattia: i mean shit i wouldn't mind
Kobe: you wouldn't do that
Y: why not you get to fuck devyn whenever you want to but i can't i might do it just to prove a fucking point or maybe i'll fuck mike since you hate him so much
Mike: won't be the first time
Y: mike shut up
Kobe: well go ahead y/n your a hoe anyways

when he said that the boys let go of my arms and backed up so i walked up to kobe and next thing i knew i slapped the shit out of him then i punched the shit out of devyn

Y: there now you guys can have matching bruises i hope you both burn in hell and when you see me stay out of my way never know just when i'll snap

i walked off going to the couch and grabbing my strawberries then i walked past the boys grabbing mattias hand

Kobe: mattia you better not touch her
Mattia: uhh i might i'll let you know how it goes

while kobe yelled i continued walking upstairs with mattia once we made it to my room we sat on the bed and i turned the tv on while he ate the strawberries

Y: just to let you know we aren't doing anything
Mattia: i know y/n i just met you but
Y: but what
Mattia: we could let him think we did
Y: how
Mattia: alright so i'll mess up your hair then you mess up mine and we'll put hickies on us with your makeup then to top it off we'll put our clothes on inside out then last but not least you're going to have to do a wall sit for a minute or two
Y: why do i need to do a wall sit
Mattia: so when you finish your legs will be tired duh
Y: oh this shit is going to hurt
Mattia: but while you're doing it you're going to have to moan but it needs to be loud enough so the others can hear
Y: mattia no that's embarrassing
Mattia: we could always do it for real
Y: fine i'll do it but you owe me
Mattia: baby you owe me i'm helping you out
Y: fine but when i do it don't look at me
Mattia: will your face turn red if i look at you
Y: duh
Mattia: then i'm going to do it
Y: whyyyyy
Mattia: the more realistic it looks the better y/n
Y: omg i hate this so much right now

happy new years 💜🎉

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