part 91

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after a while everyone got up getting in their beds and going to sleep the video was finally offline and everyone was calm the night went by pretty fast and y/n woke up in the morning picking king out of his carriage then waking kobe up and they all walked downstairs along with the others who were up but when they went downstairs they froze as they saw plates smashed all over the floor the couches ripped open the tv they spent thousands of dollars on completely shattered and the kitchen was in shambles no one knew how they didn't wake up during it but the whole house was trashed then mike walked off looking in the theater room and the drink machine they had was spilled on the floor along with the popcorn and the seats were ripped along with the projector then y/n handed king to kobe and walked into the kitchen looking at the fridge and she was perfectly fine until she saw kings ultrasound picture ripped in half on the floor she picked up the pieces and a tear fell down her face because that was the only picture she had besides the one her mom had she then sat down on the ground surrounded by broken pieces of wood and glass holding the torn picture to her chest while the others soon came and circled around her

Y: i'm going to kill that girl and whoever is helping her and by the time i'm finished i'll have all of them buried in the same fucking casket

y/n then got up and walked outside leaving the ripped picture on the floor while the others watched then kobe handed king to mattia and walked outside sitting next to y/n

Kobe: are you ok
Y: no we spent so much time getting that house how we wanted just for some low life people to come and tear it to complete shambles
Kobe: hey we can start over
Y: i didn't want to start over starting over was for the new house i loved this house how it was
Kobe: well we're moving soon anyways
Y: we haven't even found a house yet babe or at least not one as pretty as this
Kobe: we'll get there you just gotta calm down we'll find out who did this then we find a new house and everything is a done deal
Y: she's dead when i catch her that's the end of it

y/n got up walking back in the house and grabbing king then sitting down on the couch messing with his curls and holding his little hands and shaking them around after a while we got another notification from that group chat and i rolled my eyes looking at my phone

??: so do y'all see that we're serious
Y: good job dumbass you let us know there's multiple of you fun more people for me to kill
Vexton: why are y'all stalking us anyways don't y'all have friends to talk to
??: we're speaking
Mattia: actually we're speaking you wait until we're finished
Y: right be respectful little kids
??: we will only get worse we know your address what rooms y'all sleep in and we know how to get in if you don't stop playing we'll make your life a living hell until your very last breath
Kairi: what do y'all even want from us
??: we want y/n to leave kobe
Y: um why is that important to you
??: just know that it is and if you don't within the next week i'll kill all of you
Y: well looks like we're dying
Kobe: what if i break up with her for a week
??: no!! it has to be permanent
Kobe: oh well i guess we're choosing the dying option
??: fine by us i guess we'll start with the baby oh what's his name oh yea king then we'll go for idas
Ida: my baby isn't going to be born until two month from today
??: exactly so to kill you baby that means we have to kill you
Y: you'll have to be faster than bullets to do that believe that

i didn't say another thing i blocked the number then i picked king up and buckled him in the car and got in driving to the pawn shop then i bought a few things then went back home taking king out the car and the bag that i disguised as a really huge bag of groceries and i went into the house laying the bag on the table and handing king to kobe then i ran to the door and locked and shut it tight then made sure all the curtains were closed so you couldn't see in then i walked back over to the bag

Y: ok before i open this just know i'm cautious not crazy
Kobe: babe no you're definitely as crazy as they come
Y: i know you aren't talking didn't you threaten to tie me to the bed and set the house on fire
Alvaro: the fuck
Kobe: that's not important right now y/n stop snitching
Y: as i should
Vallyk: come on open it
Y: jeez fine

i unzipped it and when they saw what it was they looked at me like i was a psychopath

Bryce: what the fuck y/n there's literally ak forty sevens and assault rifles in this bag
Y: don't forget the hand pistols and revolvers for the classy ladies
Devyn: you've officially lost it
Y: i lost it along time ago babes but this time let's have fun with it
Alejandro: you're a maniac
Y: let that bitch come in here and try to touch king or ida and y'all gone see the true definitions maniac because imma set this bitch off like a firework show
Jano: oh yea we fucking some up sounds like my kind of party
Mattia: i don't know about y'all but i like y/n i mean i like her thinking you know
Kobe: yea i like her thinking too

kobe said sarcastically looking at mattia then back over at y/n

don't worry kobe was covering kings ears and he wasn't facing the bag he was facing kobes chest 🙄🔫

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