part 118

802 35 19

after a while kobe put me in a head lock while i laughed and moved from side to side

Y: let go
Kobe: nope
Y: this is illegal
Kobe: maybe

i continued laughing until i was out of his grip then i sat on top of him and pinned his hands to the bed

Kobe: you know what would make this better
Y: what's that
Kobe: if you would agree to go on a date with me later tonight
Y: aww of course i will
Kobe: are you sure
Y: duh i'm sure kobe
Kobe: you know i'm just tryna make sure my wife isn't lying to me
Y: well husband your wife isn't lying loser

kobe smiled then i bent over and kissed him a few times before i got up showered then once i finished i sat on the bed with the towel wrapped around me and doing a little bounce on the bed and when i turned my head i noticed the sun was about to come up so i impatiently waited for kobe to come out and when he did he had a towel wrapped around his waist and i pulled his arm outside and when we did the sun started coming up and kobe picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist then he held onto my butt while turning to the side so i could still see it once it was completely up kobe looked at me then started throwing hints with his eyes

Y: on the balcony really
Kobe: come on it could be fun
Y: sure

once we finished we wrapped our towels back over ourselves then we both got back in the shower and when we were done we got dressed in our clothes for the day then our food came and we fed each other laughing as i tried to choke kobe with the food sometimes and when i would do it he would do the same which would make us laugh even harder then once we finished we put on face masks and i sat on his lap while he watched movies and i scrolled through my social media's then i went to snapchat and i took multiple pictures of me and kobe but my favorite was the one where he was kissing me and i made that one my lock screen then we took the masks off and then i sat on the bed a little bored

Y: baby let's make each other a love letter then we can go get our pictures printed out and make a scrapbook
Kobe: i'm down to do anything you want
Y: ok you sit over there and away from me and i'll sit here

i turned on music so we could concentrate then i gave kobe paper and a pen and when he started writing i did the same thing then once we were done we sat next to each other and folded the notes

Kobe: ok so do you want me to read it to you or do you want to read it
Y: i want you to read it it'll feel more special
Kobe: alright that means you have to read yours to me
Y: ok but you first
Kobe: ok so y-
Y: no stand up and read it
Kobe: girl this ain't english class
Y: please
Kobe: fine

kobe shook his head then stood up in front of me posing and acting dumb causing me to laugh then once i stopped he started reading it

Kobe: the regular definition of love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person but my definition of love is when you're by my side just talking to me and we're having a good time just playing around and to me that's the best kind of love because i've experienced the old love and after i've known this kind of love i never want to go back to the old one and i won't settle for anything less than what me and you have right now and most people will never get to experience what me and you have but i'm so grateful that i got to and that i found the person that's perfect for me we all know that you get jealous and you let it show but my jealousy is internal and it rages so bad when i see you with someone that isn't me it's so bad that sometimes i think i'm a fucking psychopath but even then you still stick around and you've held your side of the relationship better than any female can and sometimes you even held mine and i can't ever repay you for that but i promise to do it with love and i never want there to be a day where you have to wonder if i love you because like i said yesterday i'm going to love you until my very last breath and i can officially promise you the world because we've created one and it's perfect the way it is

y/n got up and hugged kobe while he hugged her back and they rocked side to side then once they moved they kissed each other then kobe sat down on the bed while y/n stood up

Y: prepare to be blown away because mine is better
Kobe: whatever loser
Y: kobe morris when people say crazy the only thing i can think about is our relationship we have so much fun like little kids but then we love ten times more i would've never guessed in a million years when i first met you that we would be where we are today but honestly i'm happy we are because if we didn't i don't know where i would be today and i doubt it would be anywhere happy i'm just so glad to finally be able to call myself mrs morris and i promise that i'll love you for better or for worse and i'm never going to let you down some days when we were engaged i had my doubts on if you really loved me and i wanted the thoughts to be over but then you would come home and call me baby and i knew that everything was ok i've loved you for so long now and it's just a great feeling to have you in my arms every night and i'm happy i get to wake up next to you and sleep next to you and i honestly wouldn't want it any other way

after i finished kobe picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and he spun us around while kissing me over and over and i broke out laughing and smiling


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