part 140

736 39 16

11 months past and it was a day before kobe's birthday and him and y/n were laying down talking to each other and making jokes then they showered and after y/n called derek to the house and when he came she took him outside away from kobe

Y: ok so you've known kobe the longest like throughout the years put together well i want to get him his dream car for his birthday tomorrow but i need you to drive the car back without being a complete idiot
Derek: what car are you getting him
Y: his dream car which is an all black lamborghini
Derek: and you don't want me to drive it like a complete idiot come on y/n i've never been in a lambo at least let me whip it a few times
Y: no if he decides to let you then that's on him
Derek: bruh
Y: if you can do this one thing for me i promise i'll give you your dream car for you and kenzies anniversary
Derek: are you serious right now
Y: i'm so serious
Derek: bet you ain't say none but a word so when we going
Y: after i wake up leilani and king
Derek: bet imma chill on the couch

i walked back into the house and went upstairs waking up leilani which is the baby i recently had two months ago then i went into kings room and woke him up and he climbed down from his bed and started walking with me then he walked down the stairs while i followed behind him king is now two years old he turned two a month ago he's getting so old so fast but once we made it downstairs king ran to kobe and he picked him up ruffling his hair then sitting him down in his chair and giving him his pancakes while i gave leilani her milk once she was done drinking i burped her then i handed her to kobe and grabbed my keys and wallet

Y: baby i'm gonna be out with derek i'll be back later
Kobe: alright i love you
Y: i love you too

i walked to kobe kissing him then king yelled ew so i laughed then went to him kissing him multiple times then i kissed leilani and when i was about to walk off she started crying and reaching for me

Kobe: just take her with you
Y: fine

i grabbed leilani and she stopped crying then i walked out the door with derek and while i buckled leilani into her car seat derek got in the drivers seat so i turned around looking at him

Derek: come on y/n just let me drive it this one time
Y: dude you have the same car
Derek: but it's not the same model as yours
Y: fine even though you're already driving the lambo
Derek: hey just let me be great

i rolled my eyes and shook my head then once i finished buckling leilani in i closed the door then got in the passenger seat and derek started driving we were talking about random things until we made it to her place and derek parked the car then i got out and went to the backseat taking leilani out while she made random sounds and clapping her hands then derek got out and walked into the building and stood at the front desk until someone came up to us

Worker: how can i help y'all today
Y: i'm here to look at your lamborghinis
Worker: what kind are you looking for
Y: preferably a tinted out all black one
Worker: alright wait one second i'll be right back
Y: take your time

the lady shook her head then she walked off and after a while she came back and told me and derek to follow her so we did then she led us to a strip of black lamborghinis so me and derek just looked around until we found the one we thought kobe would like the most then we called the lady back over and when she made it back to us she checked the price on it

Worker: alright that's gonna be three hundred fifty thousand dollars
Derek: whew i hope he likes it
Y: you and me both
Worker: so what's your thoughts
Y: we'll take it but it is possible to put it in my husbands name and not mine it's a gift for him
Worker: yea we can do that
Y: alright then yea we'll take it

she told the people and they drove the car out to the front then she brought us inside and we talked everything over and once i paid for the car she took me up front and made me sign some paper work and a warranty then we walked outside and we decided to leave the bow on and let kobe take that off himself then derek got inside the car and i tossed him the keys then gave him a lecture and he promised not to do anything dumb then i got in my car and buckled leilani back in then i got in the drivers seat and started driving away everything was good then derek called me

Derek: let me speed for just a minute y/n i'm so tempted
Y: derek
Derek: come on
Y: if one scratch gets on that car i'm going to kill you
Derek: it won't i promise so can i
Y: sure

i hung up then next thing i know i hear an engine sounding like a damn lion then i see derek speed past me and all i do is shake my head then kobe calls

Kobe: hey are you almost home
Y: yea i'm like thirty minutes away
Kobe: damn sounds like someone is having fun on the highway
Y: yea they are with their dumbass
Kobe: alright well i'll see you soon
Y: alright
Kobe: i love you
Y: i love you too

i hung up then i continued driving home and once i got there i parked my car in the driveway and got leilani out then i walked down the street where derek was parked

Derek: that was fun as fuck
Y: yea i bet now where are we gonna hide this car
Derek: well we only need to hide it for a few more hours so why not his moms house
Y: ok drive it there and i'll pick you up whenever you're done
Derek: alright see you then

derek drove off and i walked back to the house then inside sitting down on the couch with kobe and king then i sat leilani down next to me and we all just sat there watching movies

derek drove off and i walked back to the house then inside sitting down on the couch with kobe and king then i sat leilani down next to me and we all just sat there watching movies

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the car^^


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