part 173

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after a while we put our shoes on and walked back into the house talking and laughing then we walked to the couch sitting down and laughing and the others came sitting in front of us and just looking at me

Y: can i help you
Corey: who are they
Y: the people i was telling you about

corey whispered something in my ear and i opened my mouth then turned to him laughing and laying my head on his shoulder laughing some more then i lifted my head pushing my hair out of my face

Cherry: what's funny
Corey: why do you care
Y: right
Ida: back on that fake shit

i stood up along with corey and we grabbed our things

Y: oh and by the way y'all are the fake ones i'm not the one hanging with a bitch i beat up but hey have fun now

i laughed then me and corey walked off going back to the drink table taking shots after a while we walked outside and were next to our cars talking and laughing then cherry came up to me and slapped me so i moved my hair out of my face then i punched her as hard as i could and when she fell she held her nose and blood was dripping on her dress

Y: oops maybe you should keep your hands to yourself

i got in my car and corey got in his and we drove to my house and i parked my car then i went inside grabbing some clothes then i made sure to close and lock my door after that i walked to his car and got in then we drove to his house once we made it he parked the car and we got out and walked up to his door and i stood behind him as he unlocked it and when we stepped inside i realized his house was as big as mine maybe even bigger then we walked to his room and we sat on the bed talking some more

Corey: so who was the girl you punched
Y: uhh just a nobody
Corey: aight imma take a shower you make yourself at home
Y: alright

corey went in the shower while i took off my shoes and laid on my stomach turning on his tv and watching movies while swinging my feet back and forth it was around an hour later and corey came out with his shorts and a tank top on then i went in i stayed in for around thirty minutes until i came out with my crop top and shorts then i sat back on coreys bed

Corey: we got to hang out more
Y: we really do
Corey: but where and what
Y: i don't know what's something you've wanted it do
Corey: live life without feeling like i have to live up to someone's expectation of what a perfect life i should have
Y: damn you're just like me
Corey: alright what's your opinion on cheaters
Y: i rather you tell me you don't want me or that you're having thoughts about cheating so we can just go separate ways and save each other the heartache
Corey: alright not to sound dramatic but i would die for you
Y: not to sound dramatic but i would kill for you
Corey: man i feel like singing that song in frozen
Y: you better not haha
Corey: i mean it's crazy
Y: what
Corey: we finish each other's
Y: sandwiches
Corey: that's what i was gonna say
Y: i've never met someone
Both: who thinks so much like me...jinx, jinx again

we bust out laughing then corey got up putting on a bunch of different disney songs and we sung them together yelling at the top of our lungs then corey tried to hit a high note but his voice cracked causing me to yell and fall on the floor laughing then he sat next to me laughing also we were laughing for nearly three minutes until we stopped and caught our breath

Corey: we're drunk as hell
Y: we really are

we laughed some more than sat on the bed and i put on a movie

Corey: i don't know about you but i'm hungry
Y: i'm fine but what you wanna eat

when i asked corey he looked at me for a while then looked me up and down then looked back up as if he was thinking

Corey: uhh i don't know what do you want
Y: i said i wasn't hungry dummy
Corey: oh i forgot about that well shit i still don't know
Y: just go eat some chips
Corey: you right

corey went downstairs while i laid on my back lifting my legs up kicking them back and forth and silently singing songs with my eyes closed

Corey: dang you can sing
Y: oh thanks i guess
Corey: how long have you known how
Y: i don't know i just sing for fun
Corey: you could really make some out of that your voice is so very pretty
Y: you're just being nice
Corey: no i'm not i'm serious come on sing something for me
Y: ehh i don't know
Corey: please come on i won't he too hard on you
Y: you promise
Corey: pinky promise
Y: fine

i sat up on the bed and faced corey and even though i was nervous i started singing for him once i finished he yelled and jumped on me making me fall on my back

Corey: you're crazy if you think you can't sing
Y: well it's alright
Corey: yea you're fucking delusional that was amazing we're gonna get you in a studio one day and you're gonna sing some
Y: fine but until then next conversation
Corey: alright next conversation is what is something or someone you're obsessed with like you couldn't live without
Y: my mom she's been my rock since day one and hasn't let me down since if i need someone i know she'll be right there how about you
Corey: my dad he left and came back in my life and even though i hated it he stayed by my side since the day he came even when everyone left me he was there and i love him for it
Y: maybe i'm crazy but you're the best person alive
Corey: yea if a person like that exists then it's you

i smiled then pushed corey off of me and got under his cover watching the movie while he laid next to me


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