part 50

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2 months past and y/n and kobe were still together but y/n a month ago figured out she was pregnant she hasn't told kobe yet because she's scared to see how he would react because he's been distant lately so she doesn't want to say anything to drive him over the edge she also hasn't told anyone in the house anyways they were all chilling around the house and she was trying to find kobe she called him all day and he didn't answer soon she drove around town trying to find him she went to his favorite bar and she saw him there she got out the car and walked in the bar as soon as she stepped in a girl came up to him and he kissed her then she sat down picking her drink back up and taking sips y/n stood in the doorway of the bar then she saw someone's drink on a table so she picked it up and walked to kobe splashing it in his face

Y: are you kidding me right now i've been calling you all day and you've been busy with some other bitch
Kobe: baby i can explain
Y: got damn it kobe ain't shit to explain vexton was right i'm such a fucking idiot for ever trusting you i should've knew better i should've killed you when you hit vexton i was a fucking idiot to go against them for you i stood there and stood up for you just so you can have me looking like a damn fool again
??: who is that
Y: his pregnant girlfriend bitch
Kobe: you're pregnant
Y: yea kobe i am and you would've known if you weren't busy cheating
Kobe: wait baby give me another chance
Y: no kobe what the fuck how many chances do i have to give you before you decide to stay loyal to me fuck you i'm so done with you find some other bitch to sleep with i can't believe i trusted you and fuck them promises because it seems like we're all breaking them so if i feel like fucking mike then that's what i'm gonna do
??: you sound like a hoe
Y: and you look like one messing around with a nigga with a baby you miserable bitch
Kobe: y/n please
Y: fuck you hoe

i walked out of the bar and got in my car and drove home with my eyes completely blurry from tears i walked in the house sitting down on the couch and burying my face in my hands crying so much i could barely breath i didn't know what to do i was pregnant and newly cheated on just great

Vexton: it's about kobe isn't it
Y: i'm sorry vexton i'm so fucking sorry i let him talk shit about you because i thought he loved me i was a fucking fool i'm sorry to all of you i'm so sorry i'm a fucking fool i can't believe this i'm a idiot i'm such an idiot i don't deserve you guys i don't deserve shit good in life i'm a terrible person
Omar: hey i'm not about to sit here and let you tear yourself apart you stood up for him because you loved him or love him whichever one but he messed up not you now i need you to tell us what happened without tearing yourself down
Y: i went to a bar to try and find him and he was there with another girl before i walked in they kissed so i confronted him and he only wanted me back when i told him the news
Vexton: what news y/n
Y: your dumbass sister got pregnant by mother fucking kobe morris
Mike: what
Y: yes i've known for a month i didn't tell y'all because i didn't even tell kobe yet i was scared i didn't know what to do shit i still don't i'm fucking eighteen with a baby how the fuck am i supposed to take care of another human when i'm a mess myself i'm so fucking stupid i messed up so much i should've known better
Mike: hey hey come on let's go upstairs
Y: ok

i got up trying my hardest to stop crying once i was next to mike he grabbed my hand as we walked upstairs once we got to my room he sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him i closed the door then walked sitting beside him with tears just falling down mike then grabbed both sides of my face wiping my tears then hugged me while i cried on his shoulder and he rubbed my back

Mike: it's ok y/n i'm right here i know he hurt you but i'm right here always don't worry about kobe because i'm going to fucking kill him
Y: mike
Mike: ok but i will beat his ass
Y: please and thank you can you guys jump him actually
Mike: anything for you but you and this baby is going to be ok you have me and the boys here for both of you every step of the way there's never going to be a moment we aren't here for you and you know no matter what decisions you make i'll always be here be for you i don't care what happens between us wherever you are i'll be right next to you
Y: i know i'm keeping it i just don't know what to do about kobe
Mike: don't worry about that you don't need him and he's not coming anywhere near you when i'm around and i'm going to love my God baby with everything in me
Y: i don't know what i would do without you mike
Mike: you'd still be the baddest bitch anyone has ever seen

i smiled then mike wiped my tears and i hugged him i really had no idea where i would be without this boy i don't even know if i would be here without him by my side i loved him more than i loved myself he was really my other half and he always will be and no one is ever going to replace him or take his spot in my heart


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