part 168

744 41 33

when we got to the house we noticed a bunch of cars in the driveway so we thought it was a party but when i went inside i saw jano, derek, mike, mattia, alejandro, tony, and kobe sitting on the couch and across from them was cherry, ashley, melissa, and angel

Y: what's going on
Kobe: i walked in on tony and ashley sleeping together
Y: of course i'm always getting cheated on so i'm not surprised
Mike: no tony and ashley were together this whole time she used you to try and make you move on that's why at the resort he wouldn't let you hit her
Y: that's crazy
Ashley: yea i took two of your guys that's crazy
Y: enough i've had enough

y/n put her hair in a bun then she walked up to ashley pulling her off the couch and getting on top of her punching her over and over again tony tried to pull y/ns hair to get her off but kobe got up punching him and the boys joined in jumping tony the other girls tried to jump y/n but then the rest jumped in fighting them y/n sat on top of ashley punching her over and over again soon everyone was done fighting and they all watched as y/n continued punching ashley as she yelled

Ida: ok y/n that's enough
Mike: y/n calm down and get off of her
Devyn: girl it's over stop

i couldn't stop i didn't want to stop she ruined my marriage my relationship my life she's the reason everything is fucked up and i'm going to make her pay i'm going to make her regret ever coming in my house i'm not going to stop until i kill her with my bare hands after a while they realized i wasn't going to stop and they got me off of her pinning me to the ground while i tried to squirm from under them

Kobe: it's over calm down
Y: it's not over until she's dead i want her dead

y/n kept trying to move while everyone looked at her really concerned then the others got up running out the house and driving away while y/n continued trying to get out of their grips once they saw the others left they let her go

Y: why would y'all do that
Cynthia: if we didn't you would've killed her
Y: that's what i wanted
Davine: do you hear yourself right now you were willing to kill someone and over what
Y: over what are you kidding me she fucked my whole entire life up she put a guy in my life so i could fall for him and look like a fucking fool she slept with my ex husband and sat there everyday looking at me with tony and she knew what she was doing
Devyn: y/n we get it but killing someone is extreme
Y: you don't get it y'all lives are perfect you're always taken y'all never get cheated on and y'all are always happy then i'm the one always getting played and cheated on and fakes a smile so i can fit in and this shit never works i thought i found a genuine nice person but all this shit was too good to be true when is something good gonna happen for me
Davine: good things do happen to you
Y: but when are they gonna stay no one ever stays everyone leaves me in the end and i'm all alone no guy loves me enough to just stay with me i get it i'm not the prettiest and believe me i'm far from perfect but i try i always try and i'm starting to realize trying doesn't get you anywhere but hurt so i'm done trying if someone doesn't want me in their life then they can leave if they don't like what i do then leave i can't keep begging for people to stay in my life when they don't want to i gotta start living for me and doing what's best for me i'm done trying to be perfect i tried being the perfect girl the perfect wife shit even the perfect mom but i'm not i'm flawed and i see that now and i don't get why y'all don't see it y'all can keep living in your perfect worlds but i don't want that i'm done

i walked out the house getting in my car and driving off i didn't go home i went to this cliff and i sat down on the edge before i took off my clothes and jumped off of it into the water below when i splashed in it i swam up to the surface shaking my hair everywhere then i swam around for what felt like hours and probably was hours then i got out and wrapped a towel around myself and got in my car going home when i arrived i saw kobe's and some of the others cars there and i got out going inside

Y: this is trespassing
Devyn: learn to lock your doors
Y: y'all are borderline perverts
Kobe: so i know you say you don't miss me and what not but let's just be honest here you know that you love me an-

i cut kobe off by kissing him and it felt right i don't care it felt perfect he kissed back then we stayed like that for a while until i pulled away

Y: yes i miss you no i'm not taking you back
Kobe: damn i don't know wether to be happy or sad
Y: what's stopping you from being both
Kobe: good question
Y: i know i ask a lot of those but for now on i think i'm gonna do what i want but for at least three months i think i'll stay single experience this for a while see if i like it and if i do then i'll stay that way
Kobe: got damn it


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