part 39

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when i woke up kobe was still sleeping so i got up getting dressed for the day then i went downstairs and sat on the couch really just waiting for the others to wake up i was awake by myself for a while until devyn came downstairs

Devyn: um y/n i need to tell you something
Y: what's up
Ida: good morning bitches
Y: good morning bitch
Ida: what we doing today
Y: shit that depends on what the others want to do i'm cool with anything to be honest
Ava: i want to go to a party
Ida: yes that's a perfect idea
Y: y'all don't waste no time
Ava: and don't so let everyone know the plan when they wake up
Y: ok but what were you going to tell me devyn
Devyn: actually it can wait
Y: alright

we all kept talking until everyone was awake then we sat in the living room eating and watching movies until mattia text me saying they were coming once they got there i opened the door for them and we walked back to the couch and i sat next to kobe like i was before then mattia sat next to me and he had his head on my shoulder until kobe pulled me on his lap almost making me fall and almost making mattia head fall down i didn't say anything since my back was faced to him well until he told me to turn around so now i was looking at him so while the others watched the movie we were whispering

Y: what are you doing
Kobe: nothing all i did was put you on my lap
Y: yea when mattias head was on my shoulder
Kobe: oh it was i didn't even notice
Y: admit it kobe you did it on purpose
Kobe: i don't know what you're talking about
Y: i bet you don't
Kobe: can i get kisses
Y: sure babe

kobe put his hands on my lower back while i grabbed both sides of his face kissing him over and over again smiling and laughing once i stopped i put my forehead on his and continued whispering to him soon the movie ended and it was only two pm so we played games and did random and stupid shit until it was nine pm then we all went into our rooms getting ready i put on a pink two piece dress and put on my silver heels while i was doing my hair and makeup kobe came up behind me and just watched once i finished i kissed him while he complained about my lipstick i just laughed and went downstairs waiting for everyone else once every one was downstairs we called a cab and got inside heading to the party as soon as we got there me and kobe went on the floor and started dancing to whatever song came on some times we got a little over pg-13 but it was fun what can i say once we finished he went to sit down while i went to the drink stand they had as i picked up a cup and drunk it alvaro came up to me picking one up and drinking it also

Y: are you having fun
Alvaro: yea what about you
Y: yes i'm having a great time actually this is amazing
Alvaro: mhmm i haven't done this in a while it's nice to get out and have fun like this
Y: my mom would've never let me do this
Alvaro: you and me both especially growing up in a christian household
Y: oh yes especially not then
Alvaro: haha so what you wanna do now
Y: uhh i don't know i don't want to do anything much since it's the second night here
Alvaro: let's live it up might as well we don't know when our last day is
Y: fuck it let's do it

me and alvaro kept drinking until we could barely feel our faces then we went on the dance floor and danced for what felt like forever after a while kairi, alejandro, mattia, robert, roshaun, ida, and ava joined us and we were all drunk and dancing like a bunch of maniacs soon we went outside and played beer pong with a bunch of other dumb games we even played truth or drink where is if you don't tell the truth or just don't want to answer the question then you have to take a drink

Ida: y/n when did you lose your virginity
Y: when i was fourteen years old
Ida: damn girl
Y: i was curious and i had a guy best friend so why not
Ida: ok ok
Ava: alright ida when did you lose your virginity

ida didn't answer the question she just chugged a drink and i yelled "and you had the nerve to talk about me" and we all bust out laughing once we finished the game we were more drunk then when we started once we were ready to go home i stumbled back in the house going to find kobe i asked a bunch of random people if they saw "a fine and sexy six foot lightskin with vampire teeth who could bite me any day" yes that's how drunk i am right now but i kept stumbling past the crowd until i saw kobe talking to devyn i tired calling name to get his attention his but the music so loud that no one could hear anything so i had to push through the loud and sweaty crowd of people once i made it close enough to where he could hopefully hear me i saw him kiss devyn and i just stood there feeling betrayed and heart broken and let's not forget dumb for ever trusting devyn again


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