part 145

668 38 15

mike called the ambulance and soon they came and they put her on a stretcher applying pressure to her cut then wrapping it but since the cut was so deep it kept leaking and her heart rate was slowing down they started driving with the others driving behind them then they called ida and told her and once they got to the hospital ida was at the entrance pacing back and forth then she started crying and yelling as she watched the paramedics run with y/n on the stretcher and her wrist pouring blood then they ran into the emergency room and told ida to go back
into the waiting room so she walked off going in sitting down and breaking down and shaking her leg soon everyone but bryce was in there with her and everybody was crying and begging her to be ok then they heard the sound of heels clanking in their way and soon they stopped and when they looked up ida saw kobe and ashley then the pieces clicked and she got up hitting kobe and yelling at him

Ida: you son of a bitch i hate you i fucking hate you she's dying because of you you're a pussy you don't deserve shit and you didn't deserve y/n especially not her life i hate you so much i'm going to fucking kill you why did she love you why did she care about you if she didn't she'd be here happy and not fighting for her life do you know she called mattia right before she passed out begging him to come help her because she changed her mind and didn't want to die she fucking begged him and he had to go outside and pick her up from her car and see blood dripping from her wrist and he held her as she closed her eyes do you know what that can do to someone oh wait you don't care because you were too busy with ashley and ashley i'm disappointed and disgusted by you because to be honest you were probably the only girl y/n trusted around kobe and you fucked that up you knew she loved him and you still slept with him
you fucking whore

ida walked up to ashley and punched her in the face then jano got up pulling her away and kobe pulled ashley away

Ida: please try and hit me bitch because after what you did to y/n i should kill you
Ashley: it's not my fault
Ida: then who's it you hoe
Kobe: it's both of our fault ida
Ida: duh you mindless mother fucker no one else held a gun to your head and made you fuck her
Mattia: you need to fucking leave and take that slut with you
Kobe: i'm not leaving y/n until i know she's ok
Mattia: you didn't care about that when you cheated so don't care she doesn't need you and she never will ever again leave bitch

before anyone could say or do anything mattia got up and punched kobe in the face then kobe hit him back but the others got up and pulled them apart they sat mattia back down but they pulled kobe outside and ashley followed

Jano: leave man you're the reason she's on that bed you didn't care then so don't care now we're gonna make sure she's good she doesn't need you go back to fucking ashley cheating seems to be the only thing you're good at y/n doesn't need you and as far as i'm concerned neither do we you fucked up go home man and don't bother trying to get the kids we told her mom about what happened and she already suspects you have something to do with it so if you go over there her dad is going to beat the fuck out of you

jano and the boys walked back into the hospital and kobe punched the air then got in his car driving away while y/n was still in the icu with her heart rate beating extremely slow but what was going on in her mind said otherwise

Y: whew slow down i can't keep up
Leilani: come on mommy you can do it
King: you have to chase us
Y: how about mommy takes a break and y'all can play
Leilani: aww you're no fun
King: mommy who's that man
Y: huh oh nobody to worry about
Kobe: i'm your dad
Leilani: mommy said we don't have a dad
Kobe: oh really ok then

kobe pulled out a gun and pointed it at y/n and when the shot fired she opened her eyes gasping for air then the doctors and nurses yelled to each other and started getting everything set up stitching her wrist and making sure she was ok while she just looked around with tears still coming down her face then once they couldn't get her to calm down and her wrist was still leaking and she barely had any air then she passed back out and they spent hours trying to wake her up but she wouldn't and that's when they figured out she was in a coma so they stuck a tube down her throat to help her breathe and they connected her to life support then they went to tell the others

Mattia: please tell me she's alive
Doctor: she's alive
Ida: but you didn't say well why aren't you saying she's well
Doctor: well she's on life support and she's in a coma we don't know how long she's going to be in it i'm sorry
Mike: life support wait what come on she has to be ok i can't go through this again man
Doctor: so she has a past of this
Mike: no it was only one time before
Doctor: for the safety of y/n i need you to come with me and tell me about the last time so maybe we can see what she needs to hear to maybe help pull her out of this state
Mike: if it'll help her then fine

even though mike was a crying mess he followed the doctor into a room and sat down at the table while the doctor sat in front of him


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