part 128

888 40 20

kobe woke up and got on his phone just scrolling through pictures while y/n was still sleeping then he got a picture from cherry and he instantly turned his phone off and sat it down he was starting to get really pissed off then y/n woke up and sat up stretching while kobe put his hands on her waist

Y: good morning
Kobe: good morning baby

y/n bent over kissing kobe and when she was about to pull away he held the back of her head then when she finally lifted her head he started kissing her neck and giving her hickies

Y: are you ok
Kobe: mhm

kobe kept going and soon y/n just stopped asking questions then once they finished she got up taking a shower and just clearing her mind then she dried off and got dressed then walked downstairs cooking breakfast while kobe went outside then he came back inside wrapping his arms around y/n but she pushed him off

Y: baby i love you but you smell like straight weed
Kobe: i'll go shower
Y: please

while the food finished cooking y/n went upstairs picking up king and getting him ready for the day then she brought him downstairs and put him in his feeding chair then put on his favorite bib and sat his food in front of him and while he ate it she walked back into the kitchen making plates for her and kobe then he came downstairs with no shirt and plaid pajama pants then when he started eating y/n just looked at him

Y: kobe
Kobe: huh
Y: do you ever miss not being home like just living back home in North Carolina does it never feel weird that we live so far
Kobe: i miss my family but i don't know if i miss the place
Y: oh ok
Kobe: why
Y: i don't know i just sometimes wish i could go back home i'm used to LA now but sometimes i just wish i could at least go for a week or two
Kobe: we can always go visit if you want to

y/n nodded her head then just went back to eating she didn't want to visit she really just wanted to move back and for some reason she was feeling really home sick she didn't understand why now of all times but she was and the more she thought about it the more she missed it and before a tear could come down she looked down and wiped her eyes then she looked back up and zoned out until there was a knock on the door so she got up opening it and devyn came in hugging her so she hugged her back

Y: what are you doing here
Devyn: alejandros hanging out with his friends today and i don't have anything to do and no one is awake but i knew you and kobe would
Y: well your right

devyn looked at the table seeing kobe then she looked back at me

Devyn: girl he hit you with that combo
Y: i barely realized
Devyn: how not
Y: i don't know i'm just feeling really home sick
Devyn: maybe it's because of the new house you just haven't gotten used to it so it's not really feeling like home or maybe it's people being around all the time that's throwing you off
Y: i think you're right but we bought this house for just us he would be furious if i told him i want y'all to move back in
Devyn: well whenever y'all are having a good conversation slide it in and just see what he says
Y: you're right even if he only says some of you then it would be everyone who's dating someone like two of you could live with me then the other ones with ida
Devyn: well imm sit on the couch and watch movies
Y: ok do what you want

i let devyn in then i closed the door and walked back to the table telling kobe why she was there then he shook his head ok then when he finished he took our plates and washed them then i brought king in the living room to play with his toys and walk around then i walked upstairs and i bent under my bed trying to find my house shoes but i could feel someone looking at me so i got from under the bed

Y: enjoying the show
Kobe: actually yea i am
Y: haha i hate you
Kobe: you love me but once you finish i need to talk to you
Y: uhh ok don't say it like that you're scaring me
Kobe: ok well after you finish talk to me
Y: better

i continued looking for my shoes then once i found them i slid them on then sat on the bed next to kobe but he picked me up and put me on his lap then he kissed me and started lightly slapping my thighs

Kobe: so when you were sleep cherry sent me a picture of herself naked and by the look in your eyes i can tell you're about to pop off so i'm gonna stop speaking
Y: ok do you plan on blocking her
Kobe: i did
Y: and
Kobe: and she text me from another number but i blocked that one too
Y: alright
Kobe: that's it really
Y: yea that's it thanks for telling me

i kissed kobe then got up walking downstairs and when i tell you i had a burning rage like i was honestly so angry that i wanted to punch someone or something or anything i was just pissed then someone knocked on the door so i opened it and i saw kanan and dejuane then when they moved i saw cherry and my rage built up so much

Y: why are y'all here
Cherry: i want to talk to kobe
Y: you aren't talking to no one in here and bitch you have some mother fucking nerves to even come on my doorstep you fucking whore


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