part 70

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i was still crying and by now everyone was looking at me making me cry harder from embarrassment and i kept having to wipe my eyes but the tears would come right back

Mike: y/n it's ok what's wrong
Y: y'all advice fucking sucks you dumbasses
Omar: woah we didn't do anything
Y: yea you did y'all were the ones that were making me feel bad so i went and apologized and the shit didn't even work
Jay: we're sorry
Y: whatever i'm going to my moms house
Kenzie: y/n
Y: no i really don't want to talk to anyone and i don't want anyone coming with me

i picked king up and went upstairs packing a bag for me and him then i laid him in his carrier and picked up our bags and walked downstairs about to walk out the door

Kobe: why are you leaving it's not like i broke up with you
Y: you didn't want to talk to me at first so don't talk to me now
Kobe: babe

i ignored kobe and opened the door buckling king in the car then i walked around about to get into the drivers seat until someone opened the passenger side door and got in when i saw who it was i rolled my eyes then laid my head on the steering wheel

Y: get out
Kobe: no why do you feel like you need to leave
Y: because i feel like we need space if you can't talk to me even when you're mad then there's no point in even being around you
Kobe: i was upset
Y: ok but you ignored me but then you went and talked to those hoes you brought to the house
Kobe: i don't know why i did that and i really can't explain i guess i wanted to make you jealous to make you see that you do want me
Y: i never said i didn't want you and why do you feel like you need to make me jealous after every argument that's not doing anything but fucking up our relationship
Kobe: i know and that's my fault i just felt like you didn't want me so i wanted to show you that there's girls that want me
Y: ok and how would you feel if i did that to you
Kobe: i don't know
Y: yes you do you would feel like i was cheating and you would want to fight whoever it was
Kobe: maybe but i wouldn't have said anything that would hurt your feelings and make you second guess yourself
Y: you cheating makes me second guess myself all the time i feel like it's my fault that i couldn't make you only need to love me and i feel like maybe if i was pretty enough or skinny enough then you wouldn't find anyone else attractive but every time you cheat i just feel like maybe no one needs me in their life
Kobe: i'm sorry y/n i never mean to make you feel that way it's just when i do it i'm not thinking i just go for it without thinking about anyones feelings or concerns i love you so much i would never purposely hurt you and i'm sorry for ignoring you but talking to the others it was selfish and dumb i didn't mean to hurt your feelings and when i saw you walking out with king i felt like my little perfect family was tearing apart right before me and i couldn't stop it
Y: i forgive you kobe and i'm sorry for saying what i said it was just after everything we've been through already i really didn't think i would be able to date or even be in the same house with you if it happened again i don't think i'm strong enough for that
Kobe: i'm not going to put you through that ever again i'm so sorry for everything y/n i love you so freaking much i'll never hurt you intentionally ever again i love you i really do more than i've ever told you and i meant what i said i'm going to spend the rest of my life with you wether you like it or not and if not i'll just kill both of us so we'll be buried together
Y: a little aggressive at the end but i love you too kobe i promise i do and i know that i want to spend the rest of my life with you
Kobe: until we're grey and old
Y: wouldn't want it any other way now get out my car
Kobe: wait what
Y: i'm still mad at you for making me cry in front of everyone so get out
Kobe: come on i'm not sleeping by myself tonight
Y: well then sleep with one of the boys
Kobe: i'll sleep with melissa
Y: ok then you're single
Kobe: babe i'm kidding
Y: that's what i thought now get out of my car
Kobe: when are you coming back
Y: i'll come back tomorrow kobe now get out before i kick you out
Kobe: fine i love you
Y: i love you too and you better sleep by yourself or i'm going to kill you
Kobe: jeez i will

i kissed kobe then he got out the car and i drove off on the way to my moms house just talking to king since i didn't have anyone else to talk to then i stopped an hour into the drive to get some food and while i was eating i fed king then i buckled him back up and continued the drive while he dozed off when i got to my moms house he was still sleep so i quietly got out of the car and closing my door then opening the back door unbuckling him and taking him out and carrying him up to the door as i knocked i rocked him back and forth to make sure he wouldn't wake up and when my mom opened it she covered her mouth and started crying

Y: mom it's only been two months
Mom: two months too long oh my baby i missed you
Y: i missed you too mom


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