part 182

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Corey: how'd it go baby
Y: well someone else lives with us now
Corey: are you talking about kobe
Y: hell no i'm talking about cherry
Corey: oh ok wait why'd you say us
Y: cause you're always over here
Corey: true true what you wanna do
Y: i don't even know with all these damn people in this house we shouldn't be bored

me and corey were talking until someone knocked on the door then came inside

Cherry: oh sorry to interrupt i just wanted to talk to you
Y: oh ok i'll come to you
Cherry: hey i'm cherry
Corey: hey i'm corey y/ns boyfriend
Cherry: nice to meet you
Corey: you too

cherry walked out then me and corey looked at each other and i kissed him then got up walking to cherrys room going inside and sitting next to her

Cherry: i really thank you for helping me out back there you didn't have to
Y: i couldn't stand there and watch him treat you like that no matter what we had or have going on i would never ever leave you in a situation like that i promise
Cherry: thanks but i'm talking to someone now
Y: wait how
Cherry: well i was talking to him while i was with kobe because i planned on leaving i was just too scared to do it on my own
Y: hey well i'm proud of you what's his name
Cherry: mike
Y: wait a minute
Cherry: not the one you're thinking about
Y: oh whew ok

i continued talking to cherry until i got a message so i told her goodnight then walked downstairs and out the door

Y: what
Kobe: i want a test
Y: a test what test
Kobe: a DNA test for king
Y: you've got to be kidding me first you don't even want to hang out with him now you want a test for him because you don't believe he's yours are you serious right now so never spending time with him wasn't enough to hurt him you had to do more
Kobe: i don't think he's mine and i want a test
Y: ok fine we'll get him tested but when i do and he is yours don't bother coming around him anymore because you're showing how much care about him
Kobe: ok
Y: ok don't come around leilani either
Kobe: what why not
Y: oh so now you care about one of your kids fuck you nigga leilani don't need you king don't need you and i sure in hell don't need you have fun living your miserable ass life don't worry you'll get your test bitch
Kobe: you really gone take my baby from me
Y: if you can't even care for a fucking three year old what the fuck i look like letting you take care of a eleven month old baby you must be out of your mind
Kobe: i don't take care of king because i don't want to
Y: and congrats now you won't take care of either because the one that pushed them out don't want you to
Kobe: you can't do this
Y: aww but i can stay away my house and my kids they're no longer your concern go hoe around since that's what your best at
Kobe: so all because i want a test for king then i can't see either
Y: you can't even love your son the same as your daughter so why would i let you see leilani and not king how am i gonna explain to him that he can't go with you because for some reason you don't think he's your kid you're hurting king and i don't even think you care you don't tell a fucking three year old to fuck off you don't do that and especially not my kid if i was around i would've slapped the spit out of your mouth

i was now yelling because i was so pissed off at kobe and he was making me madder with every single word that came out of his mouth

Kobe: watch who the fuck you yelling at
Y: or what kobe you'll push me too or worse try it i have people in the house who will stomp the fuck out of you so please touch me but don't miss cause you know you already suck at everything else you do

after kobe didn't do anything i huffed then rolled my eyes turning around about to go back inside

Kobe: i love you
Y: yea you need to look up the meaning of that word because your definition sucks dick

i walked inside closing and locking the door then going upstairs into king's room i saw he was up watching tv so i went up to him and sat on his bed then i gently picked him up hugging him

King: is dad coming to get us
Y: no bub i'm sorry
King: when do you think he'll hang out with me
Y: i don't know king but you'll always have me and you know i love hanging out with you right
King: i know mama
Y: why aren't you sleep baby
King: i can't
Y: wanna come sleep with me and corey
King: yes please

i stood up then picked king up going to my room when i got there i laid him down then i went in the bathroom showering and changing clothes then i came out and laid next to him but he was talking to corey so i turned on the tv watching cartoons

Corey: what are we doing tomorrow
Y: i'm going shopping with cherry she needs clothes
King: cherry was really nice to me mama
Y: was she now
King: mhm she takes care of me and leilani when we go over dads house
Y: that's nice of her
Corey: so are y'all going shopping by yourselves
Y: no y'all can come i'm pretty sure cohen and david are gonna bring their friends
Corey: where did they meet those girls
Y: knowing cohen and david it could've been anywhere

we laughed a little then later corey fell asleep and king climbed on me falling asleep also so i wrapped my arms around his back and fell asleep with him


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