part 106

781 38 45

Skylar: what why
Kobe: i know what you said to y/n
Skylar: she's lying i never said anything to her
Kobe: she said you basically called her fat and that she didn't deserve me
Omar: i'm sorry kobe but i believe skylar we've been talking to her and she doesn't seem like the kind of girl to say something like that
Skylar: exactly it was the other way around i tried to come out and be nice to y/n but she called me a bunch of ugly things and made me feel worthless then she went inside fake crying so you would believe her and make me leave i promise i never said anything to her
Davine: i believe her kobe i'm sorry but y/n didn't even like her when she first came in she didn't even introduce herself
Mattia: i believe y/n
Ida: yea me too y/n would never say anything like that to someone because she knows how it feels to be picked apart and feel worthless just like all of us do
Mike: i'm sorry to say this but maybe y/n isn't who we thought
Mattia: uhh i don't know maybe
Ida: i don't care if she said it or not i don't believe skylar and i know my bad bitch wouldn't say anything like that to no one so y'all believe what you want i'm on y/ns side one hundred percent
Kobe: i'll be back i'm gonna go talk to y/n i'm sorry she said that to you skylar and i'm mad she lied to my face feel free to stay

kobe walked inside angrily and and walked up the stairs and in the room seeing y/n still crying and he just stared at her

Kobe: cut the shit y/n
Y: what are you talking about
Kobe: don't play with me skylar told me that you said all of that she told me you were the one who made her feel worthless and funny because everyone besides your little goon ida believes her
Y: what why would i say that i have no right to judge how someone looks so what makes you think i would do it to skylar
Kobe: what reason does she have to lie y/n she just got here she didn't even know you
Y: so you think i could sit here and fucking cry about absolutely nothing
Kobe: yea apparently that's exactly what you're doing so get up and apologize because what you said was fucked up and the fact that you tried to lie like she's the one who said it is even worse
Y: i didn't fucking say it why can't you just trust me on this one
Kobe: no one trusts you on this one y/n literally when she first came in the house you didn't even introduce yourself
Y: yea because i was jealous is that what you want to hear
Kobe: yea you're always jealous when i bring a girl around so how am i supposed to trust that you didn't say anything to her
Y: because i'm you fiancé so i'm finding it funny that you aren't trusting me right now
Kobe: so i'm guessing you didn't call her a bitch either
Y: i did bu-
Kobe: finally you admit something you did but you can't admit that you body shamed her
Y: i'm starting to think maybe you don't care about me as much as you say
Kobe: i don't care because i'm calling you out on something you did
Y: no because i didn't fucking do it but you rather believe some bitch that just came here instead of me it's fucked up because i would never do this to you
Kobe: honestly the excuses can stop and the sympathetic ass bullshit can go too just go apologize and get the shit over with
Y: you want me to apologize for some shit someone else said to me
Kobe: i'm disappointed that you still can't own up to the truth
Y: and i'm disappointed that you still can't fucking believe me

kobe shook his head and walked out and i broke down again and started throwing pillows and soft things so i wouldn't wake king up then i put my knees on the ground and sat on my heels crying some more until i got up and ran some water in the tub and just sat there then i laid under it with my eyes open just thinking soon i sat back up and cried some more when i got out i got dressed again then i sat down and made myself throw up then ida walked in the room and saw me so i stopped

Y: i'm so sorry
Ida: y/n you're perfect just the way you are what are you doing
Y: i'm sorry i just let skylar words get to my head and i was trying to fix it so then maybe i'll be perfect like she is

ida hugged me and i cried on her shoulder and as my yells got louder i buried my mouth in her shoulder and soon she was crying with me then she handed me a rag and told me to go wash my face so i did while she drained the water from the tub and cleaned the water off of the floor that came out when i got under it then she turned back towards me

Ida: don't ever do that again
Y: i won't i promise
Ida: and i believe you y/n i promise you wouldn't say anything like that because you are really big on body positivity
Y: but how would i even say something like that to her shes fucking perfect in literally every way from her face to her shape
Ida: and you're even better and i don't want you thinking other wise so next time that crown is about to fall i'll slap you so it can stay up
Y: ahaha thank you ida
Ida: anytime now come on we're gonna find something fun to do and we're eating so don't even think about trying to get rabbit food oh also we're bringing the babies so wake king up


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