part 164

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i was talking to king and eating some of his food to make him laugh then kobe came in and kissed ashley i just looked away and back at king messing with him and making him laugh after that i lifted leilani up and she started extending her legs and jumping on my thighs while i lifted her up and down helping her after everyone was done we all got up walking out and the kids were up front with davine not even paying attention as we were walking back to the hotel rooms kobe hit my butt and i tapped on tony telling him and he turned around shoving kobe

Kobe: what's wrong with you
Tony: you're what's wrong with me man stop touching my girl it's simply out of respect right now and you don't have any for me or her it's fucked up i've respected you since the day we got here i haven't said nothing out of place and i haven't made any slick comments and yet you still do the shit you do
Kobe: you really think if i had her once i couldn't have her again
Tony: see there you go again with the bullshit how about you fight me pussy
Kobe: what's up nigga
Ashley: you're really about to fight over that worn out bitch
Y: who the fuck you talking about like that
Ashley: obviously you it doesn't take a genius to figure that out
Y: you really think you can whoop my ass come try it hoe
Ashley: i don't think i can i know it
Y: like i fucking said come try it bitch i'm right here fish smelling bitch
Ashley: you can come to me
Y: gladly imma whoop that ass either way

i tied my hair up then walked towards ashley and as soon as i was about to swing i was lifted off the ground and my fist missed her face by literally an inch

Y: put me down bruh
Tony: no let's just go
Y: you were just about to fight kobe
Tony: now i'm not so come on
Y: fine but since you're already carrying me then you're walking for me
Tony: fine by me

i calmed down and just hung there while tony carried me to the hotel room once we got there i got down and got leilani from davine then we all went into our room and watched as king played with bali

Y: can i punch you since i didn't get to punch her
Tony: can i punch you since i didn't get to punch him
Y: you tryna jack
Tony: i mean it's whatever

i laid leilani on the bed handing her one of her stuffed toys then i jumped on tony playfully hitting him then he stood up grabbing me by my waist and tackling me on the bed then he got on me tickling me and i squirmed from under him jumping on his back then he laid back so he was on me and i was laughing telling him to move while he said no then there was a knock on the door and he got up answering it while i sat on the bed still laughing a little

Tony: i'll be back

he sounded irritated then after a while he walked out and i was confused but i waited a little longer and when he didn't come back in i called him nearly twenty times and he didn't answer so i just sat on the bed with a few tears falling down because i didn't know if it was something i did that made him leave

King: mommy what's wrong
Y: huh oh nothing wanna play with bali together
King: yes please

i wiped my tears then got up playing with bali then me and king stood at two different parts of the room and tried to get bali to walk to us she ended up going to king and i fake cried making him laugh then i picked him up and laid him on the bed tickling him then bali jumped on the bed licking his face and he yelled even louder and i moved and laughed at him then leilani was sitting up clapping her hands and laughing so me and king started tickling her and watching as she smiled and kicked her little legs i felt way better playing with them then bali started barking and we realized we didn't have her food so i looked at king

Y: hey watch your sister for me while i go get her food ok
King: yes ma'am

i kissed his head then walked out the room going to kobe's room and knocking on the door when he opened it he only had his shorts on

Kobe: what
Y: i need bali's food
Kobe: you sure you didn't come for me
Y: i'm very positive

kobe rolled his eyes then got bali's food and when i grabbed it he still had his hand on it

Y: are you gonna let it go
Kobe: make me
Y: yea not a chance

he laughed then let it go and i rolled my eyes grabbing the bag then walking off i was close to my door when i realized i never heard kobe's door shut so i turned around

Y: go in the room perv
Kobe: just enjoying the view
Y: i bet you are

kobe laughed then i heard his door close and i rolled my eyes going into my room then giving bali some of the food and sitting on the bed while king pet her head then the door opened back up and tony came in sitting next to me

Y: why'd you leave out
Tony: no reason
Y: i'm used to people lying to me so it's fine you don't have to tell me
Tony: i didn't go to do anything i promise and if you think it's what i know you're thinking then it's not
Y: ok
Tony: i went for a run to clear my head that's it
Y: ok who was at the door then
Tony: an old friend he was updating me on his family
Y: oh sorry for accusing you
Tony: it's fine you told me about your past so i knew trust was gonna be an issue
Y: yea i'm still working on that
Tony: take your time as much as you need

when he said that i was speechless i honestly didn't know what to say so i just kissed him

y'all comments: update plz 🥰🥰😘🥺🥰😭

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