part 150

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after that i went to sleep but when i woke up i checked my phone and saw calls from the others but i just put my phone on do not disturb and i got up showering and getting dressed then i got in my car and drove to my moms house which took an hour since i moved closer once i got there i knocked on the door and when she opened it king ran to me so i picked him up and he kissed my cheek then i walked in and vanessa handed leilani to me and i picked her up with my other arm then i grabbed their bags and put them in the car and buckled them in their seats then i closed the door and when i turned around my mom and dad were standing there

Mom: how are you doing
Y: i'm doing great mama
Mom: are you sure we're not asking you to be ok
Y: i know it's hard to believe shoot i can barely believe it myself but honestly i'm great i'm genuinely happy
Mom: i'm proud of you
Y: i'm proud of me too
Dad: you stay safe ok
Y: i will i promise

i hugged my mom and dad then i got in the car and drove back home i got them out of their car seats and grabbed their bags then while king ran inside i carried leilani inside then laid their bags at the door after a while king turned around looking at me with a confused look on his face

King: where's daddy
Y: well mommy and daddy aren't together anymore so we got different houses
King: well when will i see him
Y: i don't know but i promise you will see him soon ok
King: ok mommy
Y: i knew i could count on you

i ruffled kings hair then kissed him and we walked upstairs going into his new room and i pulled out my phone calling tony

Tony: glad to see you decided to call
Y: i'm about to start decorating you coming
Tony: yea send me the address i'll be in there in a few minutes
Y: alright see you then

i hung up the phone then sent tony the address while i went and grabbed everything for kings room putting it in there after that i heard someone's car door locking and i saw tony walking up to the door so i picked up leilani and me and king walked downstairs then i bent down making eye contact with him

Y: mommy has a friend thats about to come inside can you be nice to him for me
King: mhm
Y: that's my guy

i stood up then once tony knocked i opened the door and he handed me a bouquet of roses

Tony: thought you would want a house warming gift
Y: thank you it's house warming indeed
Tony: hey little man my name is tony
King: my name is king i'm my mommy's jungle rescuer
Y: he's going through a jungle phase right now
Tony: it's cute
King: my mommy said she's going to take me to the jungle for my birthday
Tony: that sounds super cool
King: you should come
Tony: maybe if i get to know your mom a little more she'll let me join you guys
King: come on mommy can he can he please
Y: we'll talk about it later ok
King: i think she's going to say yes
Tony: i think she is too

tony looked at me smiling and i smiled back before playfully rolling my eyes

Tony: alright well where do we start
Y: come on i'll show you

we walked back upstairs with tony following behind me then we made it to the room and walked inside while king ran off playing i laid leilani down on her blanket while she rolled around then me and tony picked up the paint buckets and laid a protective cover on the floor then we started painting

Tony: so what made you move
Y: extremely long story short it was for the best you know the ideal living situation isn't with your ex husband
Tony: oh well yea now i think my question was dumb
Y: it was pretty dumb
Tony: oh really

tony grabbed some paint and threw it on me and i laughed and looked at him then threw some back we were playing around until we decided to actually paint the walls then once we finished i called kings name while tony went to play with leilani

Y: do you like it
King: i love it mama
Y: well turn around and thank tony he helped a lot
King: thank you tony
Tony: of course
King: mommy i'm hungry
Y: alright come on i'll cook you something
Tony: you cook
Y: actually yes i do
Tony: no chance i'm missing this

i laughed then tony picked leilani up while me and king walked downstairs once we made it down there i walked into the kitchen while king climbed into one of the chairs

Y: oh tony leilanis booster seat is in my room beside the wall
Tony: alright i'll get it
Y: thank you

tony jogged upstairs but when he went to y/ns room he saw her medication for her wrist and just looked at it then got leilanis seat and walked back downstairs setting it up then placing her in it after that he walked up to y/n who was in the kitchen cooking and tapped on her shoulder

Y: huh
Tony: it's none of my business but the medicine upstairs what is it for
Y: my wrist
Tony: did you break it
Y: no um i actually cut it on purpose after i found my ex cheating
Tony: oh sorry i shouldn't have asked
Y: hey i'm fine doing way better than before and it's almost completely healed i just have to wait three more days
Tony: glad you're doing ok
Y: aren't we both now to lighten the mood taste this

i got the spoon and dipped it in the spaghetti sauce and raised it up to tony then once he tasted it i put it down and waited for his response

Tony: that's really good
Y: thank you but i know that
Tony: then why'd you ask me to taste it
Y: just to prove a point
Tony: i will throw that sauce on the floor
Y: don't say nothing but between me and you i would pick it back up and serve it anyways

me and tony started laughing then i went back to cooking while he watched and sat on the counter talking to me

me and tony started laughing then i went back to cooking while he watched and sat on the counter talking to me

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