part 149

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five days past and i was finally released from the hospital and was not at home with the others i was honestly glad to be out of there it was so boring and i had nothing to do but right now i'm going to look at this house i wanted it's close to the groups house and far from kobe and closer to vanessas house it's like an hour away from her thirty minutes from the groups house and two hours from kobe anyways i got in my car and drove to the house when i got there the real estate agent was already there and i walked up to her shaking her hand

Agent: you must be y/n
Y: yes that's me
Agent: well follow me and let's take a tour

we looked around the house then we went upstairs and with every room i saw a new idea of how i was gonna design it then i saw two rooms perfect for the kids and i knew exactly what i was gonna do for them then i saw one perfect for me and after that i honestly had no idea what to do with the other rooms there were probably ten to fifteen more rooms but i didn't care i decided i wanted it then she took me downstairs and checked my credit

Agent: wow i see you recently bought a lambo where is it
Y: oh it was a gift to someone
Agent: ok ok well your credit looks perfect so the house is yours i just gotta close it out with my boss but here's the key and you can officially move in i wanna say in no later than three days
Y: that's perfect thank you
Agent: no problem of course if you want you can start furnishing the house to your liking then i'll be back in three days with you paper work
Y: alright
Agent: enjoy
Y: thank you so much once again
Agent: no problem

i waved bye to the agent then when she pulled away i closed the door and jumped up and down from joy gangling the keys after i calmed down i got in my car and drove to home depot getting paint and supplies for the kids and my room i was checking which shades i liked more than others and which color complimented the other then i had to figure out which decorations were better than others and which theme the kids would like more and what i should get to go with that theme after a while i had nearly three baskets filled with things for our rooms and some of the other rooms including tvs for the living rooms and the kids room along with mine then i had some things for the kids room that i was gonna have to some how put together but i don't know but something about planning things for a house made me so happy after i was done i went to the checkout and while someone scanned my things a guy walked past me but when he saw my baskets he walked back towards me

??: wow you're gonna be busy when you get home huh
Y: yea but i don't mind i like it
??: how many
Y: how many what
??: kids i see you have things for kids so how many
Y: oh two a boy and a girl
??: aw that's cute how old are they
Y: my son is two and my daughter is roughly three months
??: if you don't mind me asking what about the dad
Y: it's fine i'm recently divorced
??: well you look like you haven't let it get to you
Y: trust me looks can be deceiving but i'm doing great now bounced back you know
??: yea well it's rude i haven't introduced myself yet so my name is tony but my friends call me ballo
Y: hey tony my name is y/n and my friends call me well y/n
Tony: ok so when did you move into you house
Y: i'm not officially moved in but i'm gonna start decorating it today
Tony: oh alright well i'll go i guess i'm done interrogating you
Y: no it's perfectly fine i'm here by myself so it's nice to have someone to talk to you
Tony: oh ok well if i'm not being too straight forward can i maybe have your number
Y: yea sure

tony handed me his phone and i put my number in it then i handed him mine and he did the same thing

Tony: well if you ever want to then maybe i can help you decorate
Y: i just might have to take you up on that offer
Tony: i was kinda hoping you would

me and tony laughed then once the lady finished scanning the things i paid then tony helped me push my carts to my car and he helped me put the bags inside along with the other things then once we were done we closed the door and i thanked him

Tony: well i'm gonna go home and hope you call
Y: i might decorate tomorrow when i have my kids with me so if you want to come then that'll be great i can text you the address and what not
Tony: ok yea tomorrow is perfect for me don't start with out me though
Y: i won't
Tony: you promise
Y: i promise

i smiled as he smiled back then i got in my car driving away once i made it home i unlocked the doors and put all the bags inside then i went upstairs to the room i wanted and pulled my blanket and pillow out of my suitcase and i laid down on the floor pulling out my phone and watching youtube but i got back up and walked around the house trying to get used to it and i don't know but for some reason it was already starting to feel like home and i loved it more than any other house i've been in so far maybe it's because this house is the only one that i've actually picked out and said i wanted to live in

i smiled as he smiled back then i got in my car driving away once i made it home i unlocked the doors and put all the bags inside then i went upstairs to the room i wanted and pulled my blanket and pillow out of my suitcase and i laid down on the ...

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the house^^

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the house^^


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