part 154

735 34 22

a week past and today was finally the day of their date so y/n called davine and she said she would watch the kids along with ida so while they were on the way y/n got in the shower then she dried off and went into her room picking out a dress along with shoes once she was dressed she did her hair then sprayed herself with perfume and grabbed her purse and wallet walking to the mirror then she heard the front door open and the girls came upstairs looking at her

Y: do y'all think this is too much
Ida: you look beautiful
Davine: where are you going
Y: on a date with tony
Ida: ok girl
Y: he's just a friend
Davine: girl you might look at him like that but i think tony likes you
Y: if he did he would tell me
Ida: maybe he doesn't know how
Y: well until then we're friends now hush leilani is in her room taking a nap and kings in his watching cartoons and eating
Davine: alright have fun with your boyfriend

i was about to respond but i got a text from tony saying he was outside so i looked back at the girls rolling my eyes at them

Y: he's a friend now i gotta go leilani has bottles in the fridge don't put your tit in my babies mouth
Ida: girl get out

y/n laughed then walked out the house walking towards tony who was standing beside his car watching as y/n walked towards him he was completely amazed seeing her in a tight all black off the shoulder dress with black heels he looked at her from head to toe but his eyes got stuck on her face she was smiling at him and she looked absolutely stunning with her curls bouncing from her hair that was beautifully laid on her shoulders when she made it to him she opened her arms hugging him and he hugged her back staying there for a little with the whiff of her perfume going up his nose

Tony: you look nice
Y: is that a good thing
Tony: huh oh yea of course it is i meant it like you look amazing yea you look absolutely stunning i love it
Y: you look great tony
Tony: thank you i spent all week on this
Y: that's cute
Tony: can you tell i'm nervous
Y: just a tad bit but you're doing great
Tony: i can't tell if that's sarcasm
Y: i guess we'll find out as the night goes on
Tony: true well um i got these pink roses for you

i took the flowers and they were so pretty i raised it up to my nose smelling them and they actually smelt really nice i thanked tony then he walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me as i stepped inside i was settling in my seat as he closed the door and walked to his side getting in and starting the car

Tony: do you want the aux
Y: actually i want to see what kind of music you listen to
Tony: uhh i don't know if you'll like mine
Y: we'll see now come on get the aux

tony shrugged his shoulders then he picked up the aux and connected it to his phone the first song that came on was say it by tory lanez then he changed it and wet the bed by chris brown came on then he changed it and all the time by jeremih came up then soon he just disconnected his phone while i was laughing so hard

Y: alright well i definitely didn't think we would be listening to your thirst trap playlist
Tony: it's my regular one
Y: well sir we're gonna have to expand into different genres
Tony: you know my playlist isn't that bad
Y: yea but it's definitely interesting you know what just play it it's fine
Tony: you sure
Y: yea go for it and while you're at it tell me where we're going
Tony: a place
Y: ok so you're a smart ass
Tony: in the flesh

i laughed along with tony then he connected his phone again playing the songs sometimes we talked and sometimes we just listened to the music in comfortable silence or sang together acting dumb after a while we made it and when we got out we were at the griffith observatory and i looked at tony smiling as he parked the car then we got out and i held his hand while we walked inside when we made it in there was diagrams of the planets and stars we just walked around and looked at it reading the things they had on the plaque

Tony: how are you enjoying it
Y: i'm loving it i've never been here it's so pretty
Tony: i'm glad you like it
Y: sir i love it like is a big understatement
Tony: well i'm glad you love it smart ass

y/n laughed while tony looked at her admiring her smile then they continued walking around until they left out getting back in the car and driving off the sun was coming down so tony took her to el matador beach and she looked at him

Y: are you serious
Tony: what do you not like it we can go somewhere
Y: no i've always wanted to go to this specific beach but i could never find anyone willing to go with me
Tony: well now you do

after they got out the car y/n and tony took of their shoes then held hands and walked down the beach talking and making jokes they were having fun then the sun went down and the only thing lighting the sky was the stars and the moon which was reflecting on the water making it look absolutely breath taking they were just looking at it until tony turned towards y/n and when she noticed she turned towards him looking up at him he was silent for a while until he looked up at the moon then back down at y/n

Tony: um can i kiss you
Y: was kinda hoping you would

tony bent down a little lifting y/ns chin then he looked at her a little longer before slowly bringing his lips to hers then he kissed her

GM 🛌=🛏💃🏾

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